[ PRC RESOLUTION NO. 2000-653, March 07, 2000 ]
WHEREAS, numerous individuals who passed licensure examinations of their professions but failed to register, or who registered but did not practice their profession or who practiced the profession but decided to stop practicing for various reasons have expressed their interest in securing from the Commission certificates attesting to the fact that they have passed in the licensure examination of their profession reduced to the size of an identification card for posterity or sentimental reasons which they can carry with them anywhere they go for identification purposes, or for other useful but lawful purposes.
WHEREAS, the issuance of such certificate could generate additional income for the Commission in terms of the payment of the prescribed fees for the issuance of such certificate.
WHEREFORE, the Commission resolved as it hereby resolves to issue certificates to individuals attesting to their having passed the licensure examination of their professions reduced to the size of an identification card to the said persons.
I. Persons qualified for the certificate. Those persons who passed licensure examinations but did not register or those who registered but did not practice or those who practiced but decided to stop practicing their profession for any of the following reasons:
a) Went abroad and permanently resided in a foreign country or became a citizen thereof;
b) Have engaged in business or other undertaking than the practice of their profession or
c) Have simply decided not to practice their profession or
d) For such other reason is as peculiar to an individual applicant securing such certificate
II. Procedures for securing certificate.
a) An individual entitled to the issuance of a certificate under this Resolution shall file an application. The applicant may secure the application form from the Registration Division or the nearest Regional Office of the PRC. Accomplish the said application form, pay the prescribed fees, and file the same with the said offices.
b) The application should be accompanied by a certified xerox copy/photocopy of Report of Rating in the licensure examination taken or a certified xerox copy/photocopy of Certificate of Registration or certified xerox copy/photocopy of the last professional license issued.
c) The application shall also be accompanied by an affidavit of the applicant stating the reason why the applicant failed to register after passing the licensure examination or did not practice his/her profession after he/she registered or stopped practicing his/her profession.
III. Limitations on the use of the certificate. The holder of the certificate may use said certificate for identification purposes, and for any useful but lawful purposes as are acceptable to those to whom the said certificates are presented except the practice by the holders of the said certificates of their respective profession.
IV. Sanction. Any holder of the certificate who uses said certificate to practice his/her profession for illegal purposes shall be liable for illegal practice of his/her profession as provided in the law regulating the profession of the certificate holder or such other penal laws which penalize acts involving the use of said certificates.
V. Effectivity. This Resolution shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from its publication in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, whichever is earlier.
Adopted: 07 Mar. 2000