[ LTO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 95-225, December 15, 1995 ]


For your information and guidance, attached hereto and made part of it, is the AMENDED GUIDELINES FOR THE IMPORTATION OF USED TRUCKS AND BUSES (IAC-UTE), issued by Hon. Cesar B. Bautista, Undersecretary of Trade and Industry, and Chairman, IAC-UTE.

Adopted: 15 Dec. 1995

Brig. Gen. AFP (Ret)
Assistant Secretary


Amended Guidelines for the Importation of Used Trucks and Used Buses

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 782 dated 13 March 1982, as amended by Executive Order No. 354 dated 29 March 1989 and Executive Order No. 361 dated 22 June 1989 and in line with Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Circular No. 92, Series of 1995 dated 19 October 1995, the Inter-Agency Committee on Used Trucks (IAC-UTE), in coordination with other government agencies had decided to amend the Amended Guidelines for the Importation of Used Trucks and Buses in conformity with the agreement reached during its Technical Working Group ™s (TWG ™s) 16 November 1995 meeting as concurred with by the Mother Committee through a Referendum dated 23 November 1995.

SECTION 1.2.1 AND 1.1.1 of the existing Guidelines for the Importations of used Trucks and Used Buses, respectively , are hereby amended:
1.2.1 Used Completely Built-up (CBU) Left-Hand-Drive Trucks for the transport of goods (cargo) with rated Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) greater than 4.5 tons (4,500 kgs.) but not exceeding 6 tons, (6,000 kgs.) regardless of year model provided these are issued by the country of origin with a Certificate of Roadworthiness and Certificate of Compliance to Emission Standards of the country of origin stating acceptable level of emissions at the time of exportation.

1.2.3 Used CBU LHD Buses with rated gross vehicle weight (GVW) greater than 6 tons (6,000 kgs.) but not exceeding 12 tons (12,000 kgs.) regardless of year model provided these are issued by the country of origin with a Certificate of Roadworthiness and Certificate of Compliance to Emission Standards of the country of origin stating acceptable level of emissions at the time of exportation. Used passenger buses which are RHD must be accompanied by appropriate conversion kits or steering assy, or all of the following parts: steering knuckle assembly, knuckle arm steering, arm tie rod, and the rod and drag link. The following sections are hereby added to the amended guidelines:

2.4 Upon arrival of the shipment the IAC-UTE shall authorize the issuance of a release certificate to cover the importation of used trucks and used buses, and the certificate shall be addressed and delivered to the servicing bank and/or to the BOC if under Self-Funded Mode of Payment, upon submission of the following:

2.4.1 Copy of the Import authority

2.4.2 Bank Certified copy of L/C if under L/C

2.4.3 Complete set of shipping documents (i.e Commercial Invoice, packing List, Bill of Lading, Pre-shipment Clean Report of Findings or SGS-CRF, Certification of Cancellation of registration including its English translation)

2.4.4 Certificate of Roadworthiness and Certificate of Compliance to Emission Standards issued by the Authorized Agency at the Country of Origin reflecting acceptable level of emission at the time of exportation.

2.4.5 Certified true copy of fully processed Import Entry Documents.
SECTION 3.  Registration Procedures
3.1 The Importer (Trader/End-Users) of Used Trucks and Buses shall affect registration of the imported units directly to Land Transportation Office (LTO) Central office, East Avenue, Quezon City.

3.2 Transfer of Ownership (TOO) of the imported buses shall be allowed, subject , however, to the following conditions:

3.2.1  That the IAC-UTE Secretariat shall endorse TOO to the LTO, upon submission of the following:
a. Copy of the Import Authority

b. Bank certified copy of L/C if under L/C

c. Complete set of shipping documents (i.e. Commercial invoice, Packing List, Bill of Lading, Pre-shipment Clear, Report of Findings or SGS-CRF Certificate of Registration-including its English translation)

d. Certificate of payment

e. Notarized "Deed of Sale" and "Affidavit of Waiver".
3.2.2  For Seller/Transferor (Franchise-holder) - That the buyer is a bonafide franchise-holder and at least ten 910) units out of the total number imported units shall remain to the seller/transferor for operation.

3.2.3  For Seller/Franchising Institution:

That the buyer is a bonafide franchise-holder and that the units were legally foreclosed/impounded from the previous owner/franchise-holder.

3.2.4  For Seller/Trader - That the buyer is a bonafide franchise/holder and/or duly registered corporation from the Securities and Exchange Commission and/or with Department of Trade and Industry - BTRCP/NCR/BOI or any other government Agency (i.e. CDA, etc.)

NOTE: Only qualified bonafide holders of Public Utility (PUB) denomination duly registered with the LTFRB are allowed to avail of the TOO Scheme for imported buses availed on the previous Bus Importation Program.

3.3 The BIS prior to endorsement to LTO shall require bus owners/operators to inscribe conspicuously in the bus the following marks:
3.3.1  Buses to be registered as PUB - For Passenger Bus transport Use Only 

3.3.2  Buses to be registered as private - "For Private Use Only" or as the case may be.
3.4 The Secretariat shall also submit within ten (10) days from the last day of the reference month, a monthly summary report to the LTO through the Registration Division covering all import and release authorizations issued by the IAC-UTE together with copies thereof.
This guidelines shall take effect immediately after the required publication in a newspaper of general circulation.

Undersecretary of Trade and Industry
Chairman, IAC-UTE