[ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 110, February 29, 2000 ]


WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 8425 designated the People's Credit and Finance Corporation (PCFC) as the vehicle for the delivery of microfinance services for the exclusive use of the poor, and the lead government entity specifically tasked to mobilize financial resources from both local and international funding sources for such microfinance services;

WHEREAS, the process of identification of the poor who will be granted access to microfinance services is integrated in the PCFC's mandate as lead entity for microfinance;

WHEREAS, the use of identification cards to the poor is one fundamental step that will allow them unhampered access to benefits and privileges under the law and the government's program to eradicate poverty;

WHEREAS, it is imperative that those identified as qualified to become beneficiaries of the microfinance services be given by the government holistic support to add flesh and meaning to the government's anti-poverty campaign;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, hereby order and direct:

SECTION 1.        The People's Credit and Finance Corporation (PCFC), the government agency mandated to provide microfinance services to the poor to come up with an identification system of poor microfinance beneficiaries that will provide them easy access to services provided not only by PCFC but also to every related service provided by all other government agencies.

SEC. 2.   All agencies under the executive departments are hereby directed to provide these identified beneficiaries fast and efficient services under their respective agencies.

SEC. 3.    The basic features and benefits, among other things, that may be availed by the holder of the I.D. card under the system shall be as follows:

Given compliance with the minimum requirements of PCFC:

1.      Unhampered access to all the benefits that PCFC provides under its microfinance program;

2.      Additional benefits that PCFC may be able to arrange with concerned agencies such as discounts and other concessional arrangements for the provision of consumer goods and services;

3.      Priority in availing of basic needs and services extended by government agencies like DSWD, DTI, NAPC, DOH, PNP, LGUs, etc. per criteria for eligibility set by said agencies;

4.      Priority in employment opportunities in government projects in their locality such as those being undertaken by the DPWH, DND, DECS and other government owned or controlled corporations, as long as the individual meets the minimum qualification requirements of the position needed for employment.

SEC. 4 .   PCFC is authorized to issue guidelines to implement this Order, and to link up/coordinate with NAPC and all other agencies involved in the anti-poverty program.

SEC. 5 .   All executive issuances, order, rules, and regulations inconsistent with the Administrative Order are hereby revoked, amended or modified accordingly.

SEC. 6.    This Administrative Order takes effect immediately.

Adopted: 29 Feb 2000


Executive Secretary