[ BC CUSTOMS MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 13-96, April 25, 1996 ]


Republic Act No. 7835 otherwise known as the Comprehensive and Integrated Shelter Financing Act (CISFA), enhanced and intensified the National Shelter Program (NSP). The pertinent provision under Section 10 (E) of CISFA is quoted as follows:
"Section 10. Fund Sources. - The National Government is hereby mandated to allocate and appropriate the necessary funds for the continuing requirements of this Act, including whatever funds which may be available from, but not limited to, the following sources."

"xxx           xxx           xxx

"(E)  Proceeds from forfeited customs bond."
All Chiefs of the Bonds Division and Collection Division are required to submit to the Accounting Division reports on the proceeds from forfeited customs bond supported with official receipts.

Attached is the letter* of Director Mario L. Relampagos of the Department of Budget and Management, Malaca ang dated April 10, 1996.

All concerned shall be guided accordingly.

Adopted: 25 April 1996

For the Commissioner:

Deputy Commissioner

* Text Available at Office of the National Administrative Register, U.P. Law Complex, Diliman, Quezon City