[ NMIC MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 1-2000-01, January 24, 2000 ]
I. Only NMIC licensed by-product buyer/contractors shall be considered by the PDP management to enter into contract for cleaning and handling these poultry by-products.
II. Before the start of the operation, the meat inspector must check:
II.a. Compliance to GMP II.b. Hygiene and Sanitation guidelines (red book) III. Identification card must be issued by the meat establishment operators to authorized personnel who will handle/clean viscera, head and feet. They must wear suitable clothing such as:
III.a. Clean white t-shirts III.c. Clean white rubber boots III.b. Clean and long pants III.d. Head protection i.e., hairnet and cap IV. Sanitary and hygienic means collecting viscera must be strictly observed as follows:
IV.a. Crates
* Crates intended for viscera, head and feet must be properly coded to ensure that these are not mixed-up with other crates
* Crates must be properly cleaned
* The viscera collector must observe personal hygiene(Hygiene and Sanitation guidelines)
V. All edible viscera, head and feet intended for human consumption should be cleaned within the plant/plant complex to ensure inspection prior to dispatch and proper handling of solid waste and waste water.
v.a. The management must provide the necessary facilities and equipment for cleaning
* Separate screened room * Cleaning table or washing area (sink or tub) * Adequate water supply * Hanging racks for dripping of viscera v.b. The contractor/buyer must provide the necessary materials needed for collecting/cleaning viscera, head and feet such as:
* Clean coded crates * Packing materials such as Polyethylene bag (P.E. bag) v.c. Cleaned viscera, head and feet must be immersed in chlorinated water with ice, and the following must be observed:
* Chlorine level 40 ppm * Immersing period at least 30 minutes * Temperature 4 C v.d. If cooking of viscera is to be done, the contractor/buyer should:
* Provide his own cooking equipment and source of fuel
* Ensure that water used for cooking be changed regularly
VI. Meat Inspection Certificate (M.I.C.) must be issued prior to dispatch
VII. Waste Handling
* Solid waste must be handled together with other PDP waste
* Waste water must drain into water treatment facility
VIII. For the purpose of this guidelines, the following words, phrases, names, and terms shall mean as follows:
By-products - are cleaned entrails, head and feet of poultry.
By-products buyer - are NMIC licensed buyers of cleaned entrails, head and feet of poultry. He/She is referred too in this guideline as the authorized personnel together with the crew who shall be responsible for the cleaning of such entrails.
Edible head - is the whole head of poultry after the removal of the beak by cutting at the base.
Edible feet - is that part of the pelvic limb of poultry from the knee joint to the phalanges excluding the claws.
Giblets - are large internal organs of poultry which includes the heart, liver, spleen and peeled gizzard.
GMP - refers to Good Manufacturing Practice.
Meat Inspection Certificates - means Certificates issued by the Meat Control Officer/Inspector at the PDP for all inspected and passed poultry and poultry by-products. It must be registered and bear the seal of the Commission.
PDP - means Poultry Dressing Plants which refers to the premises approved and registered by the Commission used to slaughter poultry for human consumption.
Poultry - means any domesticated bird such as but not limited to chicken, turkeys, ducks, geese, pigeon or quail, whether live or dead.
Viscera - are edible part/parts of poultry large interior organ in any of the great body cavities, especially those in the abdomen which include: esophagus, trachea, crop, small and large intestine, and bursa of fabricius.
For your guidance.
Adopted: 24 Jan. 2000
Executive Director