[ DDB BOARD REGULATION NO. 7, s. 1982, November 17, 1982 ]
SECTION 1. Deputation of Agents of the Board to Manage/Handle After-care and Follow-up Treatment of Drug Dependents - The Ministry of Social Services and Development is hereby deputized as agent of the Board to manage drug dependents temporarily discharged/released from Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers and referred by the Courts to the Board to undergo after-care and follow-up treatment as required in Sections 30 and 32 of R.A. No. 6425, as amended. In every case, the deputized agent shall see to it that only personnel trained for the work of undertaking after-care and follow-up treatment of drug dependents shall be utilized for the purpose.
The above deputation notwithstanding, nothing in this Regulation shall be construed as preventing the Board from undertaking through its trained personnel the after-care and follow-up treatment or from deputizing other agencies whenever in its judgment the volume of work arising out of Court referrals so warrants.
SECTION 2. Procedural Requirements - The deputized agent/s of the Board shall comply with the following procedural requirements upon the receipt of the Court referral from the Board:
1. Prepare an index card in which shall be recorded the name and address of the patient and other pertinent personal circumstances. Periodic notations shall be made on the said index card bearing on the progress of the after-care and follow-up treatment. Every violation of the terms and conditions imposed by the Court and the Board relative to after-care and follow-up treatment shall also be recorded. Such records shall, at all times be made available or [be] open. upon request to the Board or any of its duly authorized personnel.
2. Undertake, as part of the after-care and follow-up treatment, periodic home visits, the results and findings of which shall likewise be recorded in the patient's index card.
3. Report immediately to the Court, copy furnished the Board, all violations made by the patient or his/her parents of the terms and conditions of the after-care and follow-up treatment imposed by the Board and/or the Court. Such report shall include all acts which impede or adversely affect the after-care and follow-up treatment/management of the patient.
4. At the end of the prescribed period of after-care and follow-up treatment, submit a report to the Dangerous Drugs Board together with a copy of the record of the patient and a recommendation whether the patient is completely rehabilitated and therefore eligible for final discharge. The Board shall then evaluate the recommendation on the basis of the report and record of the patient and if convinced that the patient is completely rehabilitated, it shall issue the requisite certification.
If the Board finds it necessary, it may require the personnel of the deputized agent assigned to the patient to meet with the appropriate staff of the Board to have a pre-release evaluation session with the patient in the course of which, the staff and such personnel shall jointly determine whether or not the rehabilitation of the patient is already complete and shall make a recommendation to the Board.
Should the agent find, at any time during the after-care and follow-up period, that the patient requires further treatment and rehabilitation in the Center, the deputized agent shall submit his findings to that effect to the Board and the Board shall after concurring therewith, make a report thereof to the Court.
SECTION 3. Terms and Conditions Under which the After-Care and Follow-up Treatment Shall Be Undertaken - The following shall, in addition to those imposed by the Court, be the terms and conditions under which the after-care and follow-up treatment of patients shall be undertaken:
1. For the duration of the period of after-care and follow-up treatment ordered by the Court, the patient must report to the designated agent of the Board at least twice a month for guidance and counseling and other necessary services.
2. The patient shall be at home between 8:00 o clock in the evening and 5:00 o clock in the morning, except when he goes out of the house in the company of his parents or relatives acceptable to the parents as fit chaperon. The time limitations may, however, be adjusted with the prior permission of the Board, to conform with the time requirements of subjects employer if he is employed, or school if he is schooling.
3. The subject shall not change his/her residence without the prior knowledge of the Board or any of its designated agents.
4. Subject shall at all times conduct himself/herself in a manner beyond reproach, shall not join the company of persons of disreputable character or bad moral habits or inclinations, go to places of ill repute, or excessively and needlessly indulge in liquor.
5. Parents/guardians shall submit a report accomplished in DDB Form No. ___
SECTION 4. This Regulation shall take effect immediately.
Adopted: 17 Nov. 1982
(Minister of Health)