[ NPC MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 99-001 (AS AMENDED), March 15, 2000 ]



  1. Paper on œGovernment Purchasing Procedure  authored by Confessor G. Gloria, Consultant on Public Bidding and Government Contracts.

  2. Rules and Regulations Governing Licensing and Accreditation of Contractors in the Philippines.

  3. Government Accounting and Auditing Manual, Vol. 1

  4. Commission on Audit Circular No. 85-55-A.

  5. LO Nr 396, dated 19 Sept 1994, creating the PNP UESB

  6. Approval by C, PNP on 16 May 1995 of Memo from DRD, dated 13 May 1995 recommending that the Command maintain its policy of requiring accreditation of all dealers first before they can transact business with the PNP.

  7. PNP Procurement Manual, Series 1998.

  8. PNP Circular No. 99-001 dated January 14, 1999;

  9. Approved Memo from TCDS dated February 17, 2000, subject: Accreditation of PNP Dealers/Suppliers.

This Memorandum Circular is issued to amend the PNP Circular No. 99-001, œApplication, Processing and Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation , dated January 14, 1999 to prescribe, among others, the new composition of the Accreditation Committee, the functions of the new Secretariat and, other related policies.


1. All dealers/suppliers accreditation previously issued by the PNP are hereby declared provisional effective January 1, 2000.

2. All dealers/suppliers are required to apply for a new accreditation with the PNP Accreditation Committee to allow  them to continue participating in the procurement of various requirements by the PNP.

3. The PNP Accreditation Committee is hereby reorganized to be composed by the following members who shall also designate their respective permanent  representative to the Secretariat:

Vice-Chairman, being in-charge of the PNP Annual Procurement Program and other logistical activities
Member, being responsible for equipment specifications and relate procurement activities
Member, having primary function of processing financial documents and the release of procurement funds
Member, for background investigation purposes
Member, as OPR of most procurement activities
Member, to provide legal guidance

4.         The Secretariat is likewise reorganized to be composed by permanent Police  Commissioner Officer (PCO) representatives  of the Members of the Committee:

Chief, Plans and Programs Division, ODRD
DL Representative
Assistant Head
DC Representative
DI Representative
D, LSS Representative
D, LS Representative

The Secretariat shall exercise the following functions:
a.         Record the minutes of the meetings of the Committee.

b.         File all communications and documents pertaining to the Committee;

c.         Receive and check for completeness all applications for accreditation whether the papers are current, in order, verifiable and duly authenticated;

d.         Notify the applicant for incompleteness of application;

e.         Evaluate and check on the paid-up capital of the applicant;

f.          Evaluate and check on the specialization as well as business reputation and capabilities of  the applicant;

g.         Conduct inspection of applicant ™s office/plant to determine the veracity of claims;

h.         Notify the applicant for failure to pass the required inspection;

i.          Inform the Committee on the eligibility of an applicant who passed the inspection;

j.          Schedule a Committee en banc meeting to deliberate on the application;

k.         Prepare the Certificate of Accreditation if the application is approved;

l.          Provide the applicant with the original copy of the certificate.
5.  A dealer ™s/supplier ™s accreditation during the validity period may be recommended by the Committee to the C, PNP for cancellation for the following reasons:
a.         Blacklisted by any government agency;

b.         Failure of dealers/supplier to comply with the SOP ™s, policies, rules and regulations in procurement;

c.         Failure to comply with obligations in the Contract;

d.         Conflict of Interest;

e.         Violation of professional, ethical, moral and legal standards;

f.          Violation on the rule of specialization;

g.         Dealing in amounts not commensurate to his paid-up capital.
6.  In addition to the existing policies and guidelines contained in Memo Circular 99-001 dated January 14, 1999, all dealers/suppliers shall be evaluated and classified according to their paid-up capital and their specialization. This is to ensure that they only deal/supply in amounts commensurate to their paid up capital, that they only deal/supply according to the product line they applied for and, to ascertain their genuine eligibility and competence in handling the requirements of procurement transactions.

Rescission Clause:

Previously issued policies and procedures concerning accreditation of suppliers, manufacturers, dealers and contractors that are in conflict with this Memo Circular (as amended) are hereby rescinded or modified accordingly.


This CIRCULAR takes effect immediately upon its publication.

Adopted: 15 March 2000

Police, Deputy Director General
Chief, PNP