[ POEA MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 45, July 06, 1992 ]


Further to Memorandum Circular No. 20, Series of 1991 on the decentralization of POEA functions, the DOLE Regional Officer/POEA Regional Extension Units (REU) shall be authorized to undertake accreditation of Landbased and Seabased foreign principals and enrollment of vessels. For this purpose, the following procedures/guidelines shall be guided:

Requirements of Accreditation/
Enrollment of Vessels

Agencies applying for the accreditation of their foreign principals or projects and enrollment of vessels in the regions shall submit the following requirements.

Landbased Accounts

1. New Accreditation
1.1  Letter request of agency
1.2  Authenticated Special Power-of-Attorney/Recruitment Agreement/Service Agreement in favor of the Philippine agency.
1.3  Manpower request Verified/authenticated for female workers bound for some selected countries)
1.4  Principal's Commercial Registration
1.5  Model Employment Contract
1.6  Work visa of its equivalent

2. Renewal of Accreditation
2.1  Letter request of agency
2.2 Principal's confirmation of the validity extension of the SPA/Recruitment Agreement/Service Agreement.

3. Extension of Accreditation
3.1  Letter request of agency
3.2  Copy of the approved Job Order
3.3  Valid visa or its equivalent

4. Additional Job Order
4.1  Letter request of agency
4.2  Manpower request (verified/authenticated for female workers bound for some selected areas)
4.3  Work visa or its equivalent

5. Revalidation of Job Order
5.1  Letter request of agency
5.2  Principal's confirmation of the need of the remaining balance of the job order
5.3  valid visa or its equivalent

6. Name-Hire
6.1  Individual employment contract (verified for female workers bound for some selected areas)

Seabased Accounts

1. Accreditation of Principal
1.1  Letter request of agency
1.2  Authenticated Manning Agreement
1.3  Authenticated Special Power-of-Attorney in favor of the Philippine Crewing Agent
1.4  Salary scale
1.5  Crew request of principal

2. Enrollment of Vessel (Foreign)
2.1  Letter request of agency
2.2  Crew order form
2.3  Crew request of principal
2.4  Salary scale

3. Enrollment of Philippine Registered Vessels (PRVs)
3.1  Letter request of agency
3.2  Crew order form
3.3. Salary scale
3.4  Marina approval and certificate of Philippine Registry from Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)

4. Request for Approval of Additional Crew
4.1  Letter request of agency
4.2  Crew order form
4.3  Crew request of principal
4.4  Salary scale for the new position requested

5. Renewal of Accreditation
5.1  Letter request of agency
5.2  Status of previously approved vessel
5.3  Salary scale
5.4  New Manning Agreement and Special Power-of-Attorney or confirmation of principal re extension of agreement

6. Filling-up of the Positions Approved per Crew Order Form
6.1  Letter request of agency for processing

7. Change of Flag, Name of Vessel and Principal
7.1  Letter request of agency or crew order
7.2  Telex advice of principal

Verification of Employers

1. All requests for accreditation and enrollment of vessel (s) should be verified at POEA Manila through the Office of the Director, Pre-Employment Services Office (PSO).

2. Results of verification shall be transmitted to the concerned DOLE Regional Office/REU for appropriate action.

Submission of Reports

1. The DOLE Regional Office/RUE shall submit reports on:
  1. Accreditation of foreign principals, including date and type of accreditation, address of principal, authorized representative/position and copies of approved job orders.

  2. Vessels enrolled including name of principal, flag of registry, gross tonnage, vessel type, year built.

  3. Approved requests for change of name of vessel and principal indicating the former and new names, change of vessel/flag registry, terminated principal/vessel and transferred principal and vessel.

  4. Number of contracts processed, name of principal, name of agency.
2. The above reports shall be transmitted to the Office of the PSO Director daily.

3. The Accreditation Branch and Employment Contract Processing Branch shall input the above data in the computer files for monitoring purposes.

Adopted: 1992

Deputy Administrator and