[ PMO ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 01-99, June 22, 1999 ]


For the purpose or pinpointing the responsibility in case of loss to property, identification of pushcarts and users/operators thereof, improvement in porterage services and to further ensure the safety of shippers/passengers cargoes/baggages, the following guidelines are hereby prescribed for the information, compliance and guidance of ail concerned.
  1. All existing pushcarts belonging to and/or being used or operated by the cargo handling contractor or individually owned by porters are required to register with the Port Police Division;

  2. All registered pushcarts must be uniformly painted with any color that maybe prescribed by the porterage management with corresponding numbers painted conspicuously on the front and both sides of each unit;

  3. All pushcarts shall be in accordance with the standard specification set forth by the Authority in terms of size built and description.

  4. Porterage management shall ensure the safety of passengers' baggages while on carriage by pushcarts, maintains the orderliness of their operation and ensures proper collection of approved rates;

  5. No pushcarts shall obstruct the smooth flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic inside the port premises particularly during times of arrival and departure of vessels;

  6. All pushcarts must be kept in pooling place inside the port while not in use, the area of which shall be designated by the Authority.

  7. Considering that pushcarts are classified as unpropelled vehicles and are utilizing the vehicle lanes of the port gates, a regulatory fee shall be imposed by the Authority for the registration and access to the port, to wit:

    a) Privilege Fee
    b) Permit to Operate
    P 300.00/year
    c) Pushcart Usage Fee
    P 35.00/unit

  8. Porters using pushcarts must be bonafide members of the existing porterage services contractor and shall always wear the prescribed uniform with I.D. for proper identity.
Any violations of the foregoing security measures are punishable under Section 43, GPR, PD 857, as amended.

This Administrative Order supersedes any other related issuances previously issued and shall take effect immediately until sooner revoked or rescinded.

Adopted: 22 June 1999

Port Manager