[ BOC MEMORANDUM, April 23, 1992 ]


For the purpose of ensuring a smooth and orderly control and administration of Handicraft Industry at the Maximum and Medium Security Facilities of the New Bilibid Prison, the following instructions are hereby issued for immediate and strict compliance:

1. All handicraft transactions covered by approved contracts in the two facilities except the IPX Store must secure a gate pass from PILCO for the entry of raw materials and exit of finished products.

2. Gate officers of the designated entry and exit including the Main Gate shall authorize only gate passes issued by PILCO. Any personnel or official found to be issuing unauthorized gate pass/es shall be reported and proper administrative or disciplinary action shall be taken against the erring employee.

3. Finished products with gate passes that exit thru the designated gates shall pass thru PILCO Office in the Walstrom Center for verification and clearance. PILCO personnel shall record the volume of raw materials and finished products given clearance by them for record purposes.

4. Effective May 1, 1995, PILCO Office and the Walstrom Center shall be opened seven (7) days a week to include Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM except during official Holidays subject to CSC regulations on flexible working hours/days.

5. Effective immediately, PILCO Office at the Maximum and Medium Security compound shall no longer sell plywoods utilized for handicraft industry. The Post Exchange (PX) stores of NBP shall take charge of this activities in the sale of plywood and other raw materials in Maximum and Medium Security Compounds.

6. Individually manufactured handicrafts done by inmates and brought  out by their visitors not exceeding 5 pieces with a total value of not more than P100.00 are exempted from the 3% surcharge fees but must be covered also with appropriate gate pass from PILCO Office.

All instructions/orders inconsistent to this Memorandum are deemed rescinded or revoked.

Adopted: 23 April 1992
