[ BAI ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 9-A, S. 1996, July 08, 1996 ]


Pursuant to the provisions of PD 1297 as amended by PD 1593; Section 18 paragraph 2 and 4, Chapter 4, Title IV, Book IV of EO No. 292, otherwise known as The Administrative Code of 1987; R.A. 7394 or The Consumer Act of the Philippines; and in order to fully implement R.A. 8178; and in consonance with DA A.O. No. 9, series of 1996 as the government ™s commitment to GATT-WTO, the following rules and regulations are hereby prescribed for the guidance and compliance of all concerned.

A - Issuance of Authority to Import/Veterinary Quarantine Clearance (VQC) to Import

Imported meat and meat products must be covered by a VQC to Import priorly issued and duly approved by the Secretary of Agriculture or his authorized representative, upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) as to source and health aspect condition, among others.

Minimum Access Volumes (MAV) importations must be covered by a MAV Import Certificate (MAVIC) duly issued and approved by the MAV Management Committee (MMC) prior to issuance of VQC.

B - Inspection and Examination of Imported Meat and Meat Products

All imported meat and meat products are subject to Veterinary Quarantine Inspection, examination and clearance by DA-BAI Veterinary Quarantine personnel assigned at ports of entry prior to the Bureau of Custom ™s processing and release.

The same imported meat and meat products must be presented for Veterinary inspection, and examination at the importer ™s cold storage/warehouse, immediately upon arrival thereat, by NMIC personnel to determine its quality/standard.

All Orders, or parts/provisions of existing Orders, including NMIC ™s function on importation as stipulated in DA A.O. No. 9 and 23 both series of 1993, S.O. No. 198, series of 1995, and DA A.O. No. 14, series of 1995 that are inconsistent herewith are deemed repealed, revoked or amended accordingly.

This Order shall take effect immediately.

Adopted: 08 July 1996
