[ LTO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. RTL-MC-03429, February 17, 2003 ]
"Employment of an IT based data storing, retrieval system, which is capable of delivering a nationwide real time information and/or all other data that may be required by either DOTC or LTO."
WHEREAS, LTO has undertaken and continues to implement the comprehensive modernization and computerization of its system or business processes by virtue of the LTO Information Technology (IT) Project;
NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, all duly accredited and authorized PETC s and all LTO officials and employees are hereby directed to comply with the following:
1. Effective immediately, duly accredited and authorized PETCs shall ensure that all emission test results issued are registered and verified in real time under a system integrated with the Motor Vehicle Registration System (MVRS) workflow of LTO and its offices nationwide, through the LTO IT Project Proponent - Stradcom Corporation.
2. Effective February 27, 2003, all applications for LTO authorization shall not be accepted without the required system integration with the LTO IT Project.
3. Commencing on March 10, 2003. LTO officials and employees in the National Capital Region, Regions 3 and 4 shall start accepting emission test results that can be verified and authenticated in real time/on-line under the LTO IT Project, in compliance with the subject Memorandum.
4. Commencing on May 5, 2003, all LTO officials and employees shall strictly accept only emission test results that are verified and authenticated in real time -on-line under the LTO IT Project.
5. Since the real time PETC validation work step integrated with the MVRS of the LTO IT project shall confirm and secure the authenticity of the emission test results, all LTO personnel are also directed to accept any Certificate of Emission Compliance (CEC) form from the Department of Trade and Industry Accredited and DOTC/LTO Authorized PETCs, provided it has the following information as mandated by Section 12 of the DTI-DOTC Joint Administrative Order No. 1, series of 2001:
- Title (e.g. "Test Report" or "Test Certificate");
- Name and address of the Center;
- Unique number of the test report or certificate;
- Name and address of the client;
- Identification of the test method used;
- Description, condition, and ambiguous identification of the vehicle tested;
- Date of test;
- Test results with the units of measures of actual test as compared to standard;
- Name(s), function(s), and signature(s) or equivalent identification of the person(s) authorizing the test report; and
- Statement to the effect that the results relate only to the items tested.
LTO Memorandum Circular No. RTL-MC-02413, as amended, and all other previous issuances of LTO insofar as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this Memorandum Circular, are hereby amended accordingly.
Adopted: February 17, 2003
Assistant Secretary