[ GTEB MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 023-04, September 23, 2004 ]


As previously communicated in our Memorandum Circular No. 019-04 dated 25 June 2004, all 2004 export shipments to quota countries must be covered by the applicable export documents such as ELVIS transmission, exempt certification, Export License, Certificate of Origin, and Special Export License regardless of the date of entry into the importing quota countries.  In this regard, the following guidelines and procedures are promulgated.

For 2004 Shipments

1. For 2004 shipments, all export procedures and documentary requirements will remain the same regardless of the date of entry in the country of destination.

1.1 All exports must be covered by a valid Textile Export Clearance (TEC) prior to the issuance of an Authority to Load by the Bureau of Customs or its deputized OSEDCs in Manila, Clark/UPS, Subic, Bataan and Cebu.

1.2 All exports to quota countries (US, EU, Canada) must have the following documents, as applicable:

a. Electronic Visa transmitted to ELVIS
b. Visa Exempt Certificate
c. Export License (EL)
d. Special Export License (SEL)
e. Certificate of Origin (CO)
f. Surveillance Certificate
g. Other Certifications, as may be required

2. For 2004 export shipments that will require processing of export documents after December 31, 2004, a Winding Down Team of the GTEB will remain during the 1st quarter of 2005 to process and issue the necessary export documents such as ELVIS transmission, EL/CO, SEL and other certifications.

2.1 In order that the Winding Down Team will be able to accomplish its tasks, all documentary requirements such as Amendments, the Master's copy of Bills of Lading of Airway Bills, must be complete and submitted to GTEB on or before February 15, 2005.  This applies to all shipments including those under the International Subcontracting Scheme.

2.2 For EDI and WIReS processing, the computer systems will continue to operate and make these facilities available until the February 15 deadline.

For 2005 Shipments:

1. Starting in January 1, 2005, exports of garments and textiles will no longer be subject to quota restrictions.  Therefore, all export documents enumerated in 1.2 above will no longer be required by the importing countries.

2. Since garments and textiles will now be classified as a non-regulated export commodity, the GTEB will no longer issue a Textile Export Clearance for every export shipment of garments and textiles.  For loading purposes, only the Export Declaration together with other BOC required documents will be accomplished by the garment exporter and submitted to the Bureau of Customs or its deputized OSEDCs in Manila, Clark/UPS, Subic, Bataan and Cebu for the issuance of the Authority to Load.

3. Processing of export documents pertaining to shipments in early 2005 will follow the above-mentioned procedures/guidelines and not thru GTEB even if processing will be done in December 2004.

4. OSEDCs in Manila, Clark/UPS, Subic, Bataan and Cebu will continue to issue the Authority to Load (AL) based on the accuracy and completeness of the Export Declarations (EDs) submitted for the 2005 export shipments of garments and textile products.

5. The GTEB-BOC unit located at the 2nd floor of the GTEB office will cease operation starting in January 2005.

Should you have further questions or clarifications, you may call our One Stop Action Center at tel. no. 890-46-51 or you may post your queries in our web site message board at www.gteb.gov.ph.

Please be guided accordingly.

Adopted: 23 Sept. 2004

Executive Director