[ LTO MEMORANDUM, January 31, 2007 ]


In the best interest of public service, in case of computer system offline, manual processing of plain renewal motor vehicle registration  shall be allowed without collection of computer fee. However, the following guidelines should be observed, to wit:

  1. Only plain motor vehicle renewal transactions, during the period of system offline can be processed manually. Previously expired transactions are not included in this ruling and should not be processed manually;

  2. New mv transactions shall not be processed manually. In case of new registration wherein the registration should be done within the prescribed seven-day period, the applications should be marked received by the regional office/district office, and the applicant shall be requested to come back when the operation in the Regional Office/ District Office is already normal. Penalties for late registration shall not be imposed to new registration transaction when the applicant comes back to the concerned LTO office within the next two (2) days of normal operation; and

  3. During this situation, the regional offices/district offices are instructed to maintain a record in the logbook of all manually processed transactions.

Driver license transaction shall be strictly automated but penalties shall be waived. In cases wherein resources for manual processing are no longer available in the district offices, the transaction shall be marked received by the regional office/district office and penalties shall be waived on the said transactions.

All concerned are instructed to strictly observe the aforementioned guidelines.

Adopted: 31 Jan. 2007

Assistant Secretary