[ BC CUSTOMS MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 23-96, July 25, 1996 ]
The following systems and procedures are hereby prescribed in the clearance of DOCS carried by EACOs:
1.1 To facilitate the clearance process of DOCS by providing for their PRE-ARRIVAL AND CONSOLIDATED PROCESSING.
1.2 To prevent smuggling through EACOs by clearly pinpointing obligations and responsibilities in the clearance process of DOCS and by utilizing latest technology in their examination.
The systems and procedures prescribed herein shall be applicable only to shipments declared and certified by the EACO as DOCUMENTS as defined in 3.1 manifested as consigned to an accredited EACO, contained in bags described in 4.1, and cleared at the Customs manned EACO facility.
General Provisions
3.1 Documents. - For purposes of this ORDER, documents are articles such as paper, diskettes, tapes and disc as well as processed films containing information or data that are of business, inter-office or personal nature, not of general circulation and not for commercial tradings that would render them of VALUE for CUSTOMS PURPOSES.
It also includes diplomatic pouch and bags with official seal and containing official documents.
3.2 List of Shipments Classified As Documents. - Attached marked Annex "A* " is a list of DOCUMENTS as defined under this ORDER. The list shall be regularly updated and circulated for the guidance of all concerned.
3.3 Responsibilities of the EACO
3.3.1 Advise to Senders. - To properly advice its client of what a declaration of DOCUMENT means for Philippine Customs purposes.
3.3.2 Scanning/Verification. - To conduct verification through X-ray and other scanning equipment at the country of exportation or other suitable location and to assure itself of the declaration of the shipper. For packages showing suspicious traces or appearance, to physically open the package to determine the contents.
3.3.3 Declarations with Customs. - To make declaration and present any package for examination as may be required by Customs.
3.3.4 Notification to Customs. - To report to Customs any violation or suspicion of violation of Customs laws, rules and regulations that come to its attention.
3.3.5 Safekeeping and Custody of Held/Seized/Alerted Shipments. - To perform these task until the jurisdiction thereof has been officially turned over to Customs.
3.3.6 Access to Computer Data Bank. - To make available Customs computer terminals through which the details of any consignments may be verified.
Administrative Provisions
4.1. Packaging. - DOCS shall be separated from other shipments by placing them in GREEN COLORED Bags. The bags shall undergo X-ray/scanning operation prior to release in the presence of Customs officers.
4.2. Entry. - The entry form shall be the Master Airwaybill itself which must contain the following information: flight detail, master airwaybill numbers, number of bags and total weight. The duly authorized company declarant must sign the AWB to be valid as a declaration. Three copies of the entry must be filed and distributed as follows:
Operational Procedures
5.1 Pre-Arrival Filing of Entry. - At least two hours prior to the arrival of the carrying aircraft, the EACO shall file an informal entry covering the consolidated shipment with the Customs Unit in the Operator's warehouse.
5.2 Nature of Pre-Arrival Processing. - Processing of the Pre-Arrival Entry shall be limited to the following:
5.2.1 Check for completeness of the information contained in the declaration
5.2.2 Comparison of the entry detail with the manifest sent through SITA and the lodgment of the airwaybill number on the manifest
5.2.3 Authority of the declarant.
5.2.4 Payment of the Air Express Facilitation Fee of P500 per MAWB. The assigned COO3 shall approve the entry by signing all copies of the entry.
5.3. Examination. - It shall be the responsibility of the EACO operator to present the bags covered by the entry, together with the delivery copy of the entry to the Customs detailed at the Scanning Area for examination. Packages may be opened should the X-ray show suspicious traces. Final release of the bags shall be authorized by the composite unit by signing the delivery copy of the entry.
Repealing Clause
All Customs Memorandum Orders, Memoranda or other Orders inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Order are hereby amended or repealed accordingly.
The date of implementation of this ORDER shall be set by the District Collector of Customs concerned upon presentation of satisfactory proof that the equipments described in 3.3.2. and 5.3. are already installed and operational and that Customs personnel in the EACO facility have been trained and deployed to handle the procedures provided in this ORDER.
Adopted: 25 July 1996
* See Appendix 1
* Must not exceed ten (10) pieces; otherwise, they must be manifested as "Non-Docs" and accompanied with a commercial invoice.
1.1 To facilitate the clearance process of DOCS by providing for their PRE-ARRIVAL AND CONSOLIDATED PROCESSING.
1.2 To prevent smuggling through EACOs by clearly pinpointing obligations and responsibilities in the clearance process of DOCS and by utilizing latest technology in their examination.
The systems and procedures prescribed herein shall be applicable only to shipments declared and certified by the EACO as DOCUMENTS as defined in 3.1 manifested as consigned to an accredited EACO, contained in bags described in 4.1, and cleared at the Customs manned EACO facility.
General Provisions
3.1 Documents. - For purposes of this ORDER, documents are articles such as paper, diskettes, tapes and disc as well as processed films containing information or data that are of business, inter-office or personal nature, not of general circulation and not for commercial tradings that would render them of VALUE for CUSTOMS PURPOSES.
It also includes diplomatic pouch and bags with official seal and containing official documents.
3.2 List of Shipments Classified As Documents. - Attached marked Annex "A* " is a list of DOCUMENTS as defined under this ORDER. The list shall be regularly updated and circulated for the guidance of all concerned.
3.3 Responsibilities of the EACO
3.3.1 Advise to Senders. - To properly advice its client of what a declaration of DOCUMENT means for Philippine Customs purposes.
3.3.2 Scanning/Verification. - To conduct verification through X-ray and other scanning equipment at the country of exportation or other suitable location and to assure itself of the declaration of the shipper. For packages showing suspicious traces or appearance, to physically open the package to determine the contents.
3.3.3 Declarations with Customs. - To make declaration and present any package for examination as may be required by Customs.
3.3.4 Notification to Customs. - To report to Customs any violation or suspicion of violation of Customs laws, rules and regulations that come to its attention.
3.3.5 Safekeeping and Custody of Held/Seized/Alerted Shipments. - To perform these task until the jurisdiction thereof has been officially turned over to Customs.
3.3.6 Access to Computer Data Bank. - To make available Customs computer terminals through which the details of any consignments may be verified.
Administrative Provisions
4.1. Packaging. - DOCS shall be separated from other shipments by placing them in GREEN COLORED Bags. The bags shall undergo X-ray/scanning operation prior to release in the presence of Customs officers.
4.2. Entry. - The entry form shall be the Master Airwaybill itself which must contain the following information: flight detail, master airwaybill numbers, number of bags and total weight. The duly authorized company declarant must sign the AWB to be valid as a declaration. Three copies of the entry must be filed and distributed as follows:
Original - BOC Copy
Duplicate - Delivery Copy
Triplicate - COA
Duplicate - Delivery Copy
Triplicate - COA
Operational Procedures
5.1 Pre-Arrival Filing of Entry. - At least two hours prior to the arrival of the carrying aircraft, the EACO shall file an informal entry covering the consolidated shipment with the Customs Unit in the Operator's warehouse.
5.2 Nature of Pre-Arrival Processing. - Processing of the Pre-Arrival Entry shall be limited to the following:
5.2.1 Check for completeness of the information contained in the declaration
5.2.2 Comparison of the entry detail with the manifest sent through SITA and the lodgment of the airwaybill number on the manifest
5.2.3 Authority of the declarant.
5.2.4 Payment of the Air Express Facilitation Fee of P500 per MAWB. The assigned COO3 shall approve the entry by signing all copies of the entry.
5.3. Examination. - It shall be the responsibility of the EACO operator to present the bags covered by the entry, together with the delivery copy of the entry to the Customs detailed at the Scanning Area for examination. Packages may be opened should the X-ray show suspicious traces. Final release of the bags shall be authorized by the composite unit by signing the delivery copy of the entry.
Repealing Clause
All Customs Memorandum Orders, Memoranda or other Orders inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Order are hereby amended or repealed accordingly.
The date of implementation of this ORDER shall be set by the District Collector of Customs concerned upon presentation of satisfactory proof that the equipments described in 3.3.2. and 5.3. are already installed and operational and that Customs personnel in the EACO facility have been trained and deployed to handle the procedures provided in this ORDER.
Adopted: 25 July 1996
Accounting, completed Invoices, completed Artwork, Inc.-drawing/proofs/layout Legal documents Bank Statements Licenses/Permits Bid quotations Memoranda Blueprints Office records Budget statements/reports Operating Agreements Business correspondence Reports, analysis/annual/sales inventory/ Cash letters financial/conference* Charts/graphs Photocopies of BIP documents Computer printouts Price lists* Contracts Proposals Court transcript Purchase orders Crew lists Publications, not for sale Customs documents Quotations Documents, general business Sales agreements/reports Insurance documents Statistical data Interoffice memos Technical drawings Travel agendas/itineraries Trade confirmations B. PERSONAL DOCS: Bio-data/resumes Birth certificates Employment papers Income statements, blank and not blank Immigration papers Letters and cards Marriage certificates/licenses Medical records Passports Photographs Tax papers Visa applications X-ray films, exposed (personal)
* See Appendix 1
* Must not exceed ten (10) pieces; otherwise, they must be manifested as "Non-Docs" and accompanied with a commercial invoice.