[ BOC MEMORANDUM, November 23, 1995 ]


For proper coordination and to maintain a smooth for and disposition of official communication, the following guidelines are hereby imposed:

1. All faxed messages received must first be verified as to its genuineness and source before acting on it.

2. No communications will be handcarried. It must be transmitted thru our bonafide courier, likewise official communications, i.e., Resolutions, Releases and Decisions coming from Board of Pardons and Parole, Court of Appeals, Supreme Court and other offices concerned must be delivered by the official liaison officer of the same.

3. In receiving communications addressed to this Bureau, original copies must always be demanded; do not rely on the Xerox or duplicate copies.

4. Never send any documents to any offices/agency without first clearing it up with the Director or Assistant Director.

For strict compliance.

Adopted: 23 November 1995

Major General PNP (Ret.)