[ DECS ORDER NO. 37, S. 1999, April 13, 1999 ]


  1. The Secondary Education Development and Improvement Project (SEDIP) aims to improve equitable access to quality secondary education in the 26 Social Reform Agenda (SRA) provinces. The Project has three main objectives: (1) to improve the quality and relevance of secondary education in the Project provinces; (2) to increase the rates of participation in and completion of secondary education in the under-served areas within the Project provinces; and (3) to facilitate decentralization processes to establish the conditions for school-based management.

  2. The DECS is the executing agency of the Project while the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) is the implementing agency. The Undersecretary for Programs and Projects will serve as the Project Director. A National Project Management Office (NPMO) established within BSE will coordinate all Project activities. Implementation at the region- and division-levels will be the responsibility of the DECS regional and division offices. There are 9 regions and 14 schools divisions involved in the Project (Inclosure 1).

  3. To ensure the smooth implementation of the Project, the roles and the organizational structure for the field offices are defined in Inclosures 2 and 3a/3b, respectively. All concerned are enjoined to perform their responsibilities with utmost commitment and excellence.

  4. Immediate dissemination of this Order is encouraged.
Adopted: 13 April 1999


Inclosure 2

Roles and Responsibilities of Field Offices In the Implementation of SEDIP

The Regional Offices

The DECS Regional Offices (ROs) will assist the National Project Management Office (NPMO), the National Educators Academy (NEAP) and the division office in
  1. staff capacity building and teacher in-service training (INSET) by organizing regional/divisional/school level training programs;

  2. provision of technical assistance to divisions and schools;

  3. procurement and distribution of textbooks to the Project provinces;

  4. consolidation of EMIS data and analysis of regional performance; and

  5. monitoring and evaluation of the secondary education sub-sector and Project activities, which will include quality control and accountability.
The Regional Director will provide overall direction to Project Implementation while the Assistant Director will be primarily responsible for operational coordination within the regional office. The Chief and Assistant Chief of the Secondary Education Division and other key officials will assist the Regional Director and Assistant Director in carrying out their Project-related functions.

The Division Offices

The DECS Division Offices in the Project provinces will implement the Project at the provincial level. Their responsibilities cover the following:
  1. developing and refining the Division Secondary Education Development Plans (DSEDPs);

  2. planning and analyzing annual division performance, consolidating and analyzing school EMIS data; and disseminating consolidated data to schools and regional offices;

  3. ensuring that each secondary school in the division carries out an annual performance review and process to improve the quality of teaching and learning at the school;

  4. establishing a High School Innovation Fund (HSIF) review committee to ensure objective review of the proposals from the schools;

  5. securing the local government unit's (LGUs) participation in school mapping, school building development, planning and civil works;

  6. procuring school furniture, small equipment and minor supplies;

  7. consolidating textbook orders from schools;

  8. conducting division and school-based in-service training for principals and teachers;

  9. appraising and approving applications for and monitoring of the HSIF;

  10. monitoring and evaluating Project implementation and the impact at the school and division levels; and

  11. managing and administering Project funds channeled to division offices.

The LGUs, in close coordination with schools and DECS division offices will implement the construction and rehabilitation of school facilities.

The Division Superintendent will be responsible for overall management of Project implementation in the division. A full-time Project coordinator shall be appointed to oversee the day-to-day operation of the Project. A Project implementation adviser (consultant), civil works adviser (consultant) and other experts will be recruited for each division to assist the Division Superintendent and Project Coordinator. In addition to the existing staff of the division offices who will support Project implementation, NMPO will assign additional contractual staff for each division office.