[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 361, September 22, 2004 ]
WHEREAS, the Constitution declares as one of its policies that the State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and that it shall promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being; that the State shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and nationalism, and encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs (Article II, Section 13);
WHEREAS, the Constitution also declares that the State shall give priority to education in fostering patriotism and nationalism, accelerating social progress, and promoting total human liberation and development (Article II, Section 17);
WHEREAS, the Constitution further declares that the State shall encourage non-governmental, community-based or sectoral organizations that promote the welfare of the nation (Article II, Section 23);
WHEREAS, the concerted effort of the government and the non-governmental, community-based or sectoral organizations is necessary to promote, among the public in general and the youth in particular, respect of the rule of law and greater awareness and understanding of its importance as a platform for political reconciliation, economic progress, and national development;
WHEREAS, promoting respect for and greater awareness and understanding of the rule of law substantially depends on the improvement of the educational system, particularly on the training of educators and on the adequacy of learning materials and resources;
WHEREAS, the Department of Education fully supports the policies sought to be established herein;
NOW, THEREFORE, I GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:
Adopted: 22 Sept. 2004
By the President:
Acting Executive Secretary
WHEREAS, the Constitution also declares that the State shall give priority to education in fostering patriotism and nationalism, accelerating social progress, and promoting total human liberation and development (Article II, Section 17);
WHEREAS, the Constitution further declares that the State shall encourage non-governmental, community-based or sectoral organizations that promote the welfare of the nation (Article II, Section 23);
WHEREAS, the concerted effort of the government and the non-governmental, community-based or sectoral organizations is necessary to promote, among the public in general and the youth in particular, respect of the rule of law and greater awareness and understanding of its importance as a platform for political reconciliation, economic progress, and national development;
WHEREAS, promoting respect for and greater awareness and understanding of the rule of law substantially depends on the improvement of the educational system, particularly on the training of educators and on the adequacy of learning materials and resources;
WHEREAS, the Department of Education fully supports the policies sought to be established herein;
NOW, THEREFORE, I GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:
SECTION 1. Declaration of Policies. The following policies are hereby established:
- Greater public understanding of and respect for the importance of the rule of law shall be promoted.
- Awareness on the role and functions of the judiciary shall be developed, especially among the youth.
- A support base to sustain long-term judicial reform shall be widened.
- Community members, especially the youth, shall be mobilized to recognize their stake and their responsibility for the promotion of the rule of law, dispute resolution, and protection of their rights.
SECTION 2. Role of Educational Institutions. - All public and private elementary and secondary schools are encouraged to promote the rule of law through the use of educational materials such as the Exemplar for Teachers, Students' Manual on the Rule of Law, and Students' Digest on the Judiciary. These materials will be prepared with the end in view of enhancing the existing curricula already prepared by the Department of Education for both elementary and high school students.
SECTION 3. Proficiency of Teachers. - The Department of Education, through the DepEd Special Concerns Division, as well as the private education institutions and non-governmental organizations tasked with managing the program, shall conduct training programs nationwide to enhance the skills of teachers in conflict resolution and in teaching the rule of law and the role of the judiciary in strengthening civil society.
SECTION 4. Implementing Authority. - The Department of Education is hereby directed to take active steps to ensure the implementation of this Executive Order and monitor compliance therewith by all public and private institutions of learning in the elementary and secondary levels.
SECTION 5. Support Mechanisms. - The Department of Education shall secure the necessary funding support to provide adequate learning materials and resources that will promote and develop awareness of the rule of law and the role of the judiciary primarily among elementary and high school students. It may collaborate with other branches of government and institutions, such as the judiciary, to ensure the development of appropriate materials, and training methodologies, and evaluation measures to monitor the progress of educators and students in achieving the policy objectives established herein.
SECTION 6. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - The Department of Education and its identified government and non-governmental partners are hereby authorized to issue appropriate rules and regulations for the effective implementation of the policies established herein.
SECTION 7. Report to the President. - Within thirty (30) days from the issuance of this Executive Order, the Department of Education shall submit to the President a plan of action to effectively implement the provisions of this Executive Order.
SECTION 8. Repealing Clause. - All executive issuances, rules and regulations or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with this Executive Order, are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
SECTION 9. Effectivity. - This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
Adopted: 22 Sept. 2004
By the President:
Acting Executive Secretary