[ DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 98-41, June 24, 1998 ]


Pursuant to EO 263* adopting CBFM as the national strategy to promote sustainable forest management and development, DAO 96-29** or the CBFM Implementing Rules and Regulations, consistent with RA 7586, otherwise known as the NIPAS Act, as implemented by DAO 25*** , s. 1992, this Administrative Order is issued to provide guidelines on the establishment and management of CBFM Projects inside watershed reservations.

SECTION 1. BASIC POLICY. It is the policy of the government to conserve, protect, rehabilitate and develop forest watershed areas to ensure the sustainable production of water for domestic, agricultural, industrial and other purposes. To achieve said policy, watershed reservations are included as initial components of the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS). Further, the government recognizes, supports and promotes the rights and capacities of local communities, tenured migrants and indigenous peoples to manage and natural resources on a sustainable management principle. It has adopted the CBFM strategy for sustainable development of these natural resources. Accordingly, the Department has established CBFM and People-oriented Forestry Projects inside forestlands including watershed reservations. The implementation of the CBFM strategy inside watershed reservations must be according to the provisions of the NIPAS law. It must also be consistent with the principles of multiple use, sustainable management and biological diversity conservation.

SECTION 2. OBJECTIVES. The implementation of CBFM Projects inside watershed reservations aims to:

2.1 Enhance the conservation, protection and rehabilitation of watershed reservations to reduce soil erosion and sedimentation, improve water yield and quality, and promote biological diversity.

2.2 Provide livelihood opportunities to local communities, tenured migrants and indigenous peoples and enhance their socio-economic well being; and

2.3 Encourage support and active participation of local communities, tenured migrants and indigenous peoples and strengthen their capabilities to manage watershed resources on a sustainable basis.


3.1 CBFM projects may be established within watershed reservations provided that the management of resources therein shall be according to the NIPAS Law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations. The NIPAS Law respects and protects the rights and interests of indigenous peoples and tenured migrants within protected areas.

3.2 The procedure for implementing CBFM Projects inside watershed reservation shall follow DAO 96-29 and related policies. Provided, that the appropriate Protected Area Superintendent (PASU) and the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) shall be involved in all phases of the CBFM implementation.

3.3 The appropriate tenurial instrument shall be issued according to DAO 96-29, provided that the PAMB endorses it.

3.4 The formulation of the Community Resource Management Framework (CRMF) and Annual Work Plan (AWP) shall follow MC 97-12. Both CRMF and AWP must be consistent with the Initial Protected Area Plan (IPAP), subject to revision upon approval of the final management plan of the watershed reservation. Upon favorable endorsement of the PAMB, the CRMF and the AWP shall be affirmed by both the PASU and the CENRO concerned.

3.5 The PO shall implement the affirmed CRMF and AWP, assisted by the PASU, the CENRO, the LGU concerned and the concerned agencies/entities.

3.6 The CENRO, the PASU, the LGU, the PAMB and PO shall jointly monitor the implementation of the CRMF and the AWP. Results of the monitoring activity shall be used as one of the bases for improving management plan implementation by the PO.


4.1 Community management of watershed resources shall include, but not be limited to, the following strategies:
4.1.1 Protection of the CBFM area and the larger watershed reservation from fire, encroachment, illegal logging and other forms of destruction;

4.1.2 Protection of primary forest and conservation of biological diversity;

4.1.3 Rehabilitation and reforestation of denuded areas; and

4.1.4 Promotion of land uses and practices that increase productivity and conserve soil, water and other forest resources.
4.2 The development and utilization of watershed resources may be allowed in management zones where such activities are permitted following DAO 25, s. 1992 and the affirmed CRMF. Priority shall be given to the development of the forest resource base such as agro-forestry, plantation establishment and improvement of existing forest stands, eco-tourism and other non-extractive activities, and improvement of agriculture and other food production activities.

4.3 In extracting forest resources, priority shall be given to non-timber species, abandoned logs, fallen timber and dead trees, plantation timber species and lesser-used species.

4.4 Part of the income derived from the utilization of watershed resources shall accrue to the Integrated Protected Area Fund (IPAF), as agreed upon by the PO and PAMB. This amount shall be reinvested in the CBFM area for the improvement and protection of the watershed resources, and for other community development activities.

4.5 Utilization of watershed resources shall be described in detail in a Resource Use Plan (RUP) which is an integral component of the AWP, pursuant to Memorandum Circular No. 97-12. Any likely negative impacts of such activities shall be identified and appropriate mitigation measures shall be prescribed pursuant to Philippine Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) System. These mitigation measures shall be clearly shown in the AWP.

SECTION 5.TRANSITORY PROVISIONS. Existing Ancestral Domain Management Plans (ADMPs) and CRMFs affirmed before Administrative Order shall remain valid and in force. Requests for utilization of forest resources by CBFM participants may be granted in accordance with Section 4 hereof, and upon endorsement by the PAMB. In cases where the IPAP for the watershed reservation has not been prepared, the Regional Executive Director concerned shall, within six (6) months from the issuance of this Order, cause the immediate preparation of the same. Thereafter, the PO, assisted by the CENRO and PASU, shall review and amend said ADMP or CRMF following the provisions of this Order.

The amended ADMP or CRMF shall form an integral part of the management plan of the entire watershed reservation.

SECTION 6. AMENDATORY PROVISIONS. This Administrative Order amends provision of the entire watershed reservation.

SECTION 7. EFFECTIVITY. This Circular takes effect fifteen (15) days following its publication in a newspaper of general circulation and submission to the UP Law Center.

Adopted: 24 June 1998


* See NAR Volume 6/3, page 617.

** See NAR Volume 7/4, p. 697

*** See NAR III/3, page 260