[ LTO MEMORANDUM, July 23, 1998 ]


Transmitted herewith is Presidential Memorandum dated 14 July 1998 Subject: Motorcycle Escorts and Unauthorized Use of Sirens and Blinkers, Markers, etc., directing all concerned government officials and private citizens to stop the use of police motorcycle escorts and unauthorized use of sirens and blinkers, markers, stickers and similar unnecessary symbols of authority on their motor vehicles, except the following officials:
The President of the Philippines
The Vice President of the Philippines
The Senate President
The Speaker of the House of Representatives; and
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
For strict compliance and implementation.

Adopted: 23 July 1998

Assistant Secretary

œAttachment 


It has come to my personal attention that some government officials and even private citizens have been using motorcycle escorts and utilizing sirens and blinkers on their cars in making way through our streets. These officials are often in the habit of using motorcycle escorts, whether authorized or not, to drive away motorists and pedestrians in their path.

These practices are repugnant to a democratic society, whose citizens are equal before the law, and equal among each other. They must be stopped.

Henceforth, all government officials and also private citizens in the appropriate instances, are enjoined to stop using police escorts, sirens, blinkers, markers, stickers and similar and unnecessary symbols of authority and influence, except the following officials:
The President of the Philippines
The Vice President of the Philippines
The Senate President
The Speaker of the House of Representatives; and
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
In other instances, under no circumstances shall these devices be used, unless these are for use under clearly appropriate circumstances, such as in plainly marked police cars, ambulances, fire trucks and other emergency vehicles.

To ensure compliance with this Memorandum, the Philippine National Police is hereby instructed to check on all vehicles seen utilizing these devices, and to stop these vehicles even in transit, and enforce my instructions in accordance with established laws, rules and regulations.

This memorandum takes effect immediately.

President of the Philippines