[ DOLE DEPARTMENT ADVISORY NO. 3, S. 2009, January 30, 2009 ]
1. Program Distinctions
Family Welfare Program refers to the program being promoted by DOLE that provides family welfare services to workers, as described under Department Order No. 56-03 which is carried out in the workplace by the employer through a Family Welfare Committee (FWC) or similar workplace-based special body composed of representatives of labor, management and the plant clinic, if there is any.
Family Health Program Services as used herein, is the collective term of the Department of Health (DOH) for the different services included in its package of Family Health Program Services in the Workplace (as stated in the attached matrix[*] )
2. Roles of the DOLE offices and personnel
a. The DOLE Regional Offices and their Field Offices shall target the setting-up and strengthening of FWC in all establishments employing 200 workers or more and in unionized establishments in their areas, so that by end of 2010, all or 100% of such establishments will have FWC or similar special in-plant bodies carrying out family welfare services.
b. They shall likewise provide assistance to establishments with less than 100 workers and/or with no unions, if interested and willing to form a committee for this purpose.
c. To facilitate the FWP implementation and the delivery of family welfare and family health program services to workers and their families, the DOLE RO and FO shall encourage the formation of Federations of FW Committees or similar bodies engaged in promoting the FWP in their areas.
d. In relation to the Income Generation or Livelihood component of the FWP, the RO shall promote the Workers Income Augmentation Program (WINAP) for the benefit of qualified FWC or federation of FWC.
3. Reporting and Monitoring of FWP implementation
Administrative Order No. 209 of 2004 shall continue to guide the FWP implementer through the use of the Checklist of Priority Activities Related to FWP Implementation in the promotion and monitoring of the FWP-related activities. The Regional Office shall keep on file the Accomplished Checklists for ready reference when accomplishing the Statistical Performance Reporting System (SPRS) and other reports.
The Bureau of Women and Young Workers shall monitor FWP implementation and guide FWP implementer in their promotion efforts towards formation of plant-level FW committees and their federation.
4. Collaborative and Coordinative Activities
The FWP implementer shall link the FW C or Federation of FWC with the DOH through the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control (NCDPC) and its implementing arm at the regional level, the Centers for Health Development (CHD). The CHD field personnel has the responsibility for implementation and monitoring of the DOH Family Health Program Services for the benefit of the worker and the workers family, including the collection of employer reports and other health service requirements.
The DOLE RO and CHD collaborative and coordinative activities shall also apply in the conduct of such activities as information dissemination on nutrition, hygiene and sanitation and the promotion of a drug-free workplace, among other common program concerns.
For guidance and compliance.
Adopted: 30 Jan. 2009
Acting Secretary
[*] Not Filed with ONAR.