[ PNP MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2009-003, February 24, 2009 ]



This Circular prescribes the guidelines and procedures in the issuance and markings of the Mobility Assets in the PNP.


1. To establish a procedure in the issuance of vehicles to all PNP units.

2. To present a clear cut policy on the implementation of the standard markings of the vehicles owned by the PNP.

3. To identify personnel responsible in the safekeeping and records keeping of the vehicles.


1. Issuance of vehicles will be based primarily on the approved TEA under NAPOLCOM Resolution 93-08.

2. Prioritization in the distribution of vehicles shall be based on the following criteria:

a. Receiving unit has no issued vehicle at all;

b. Receiving unit is under constant threat of enemy forces like the LCT, MILF, LMGs, etc;

c. Receiving unit is located in a remote area and far from any friendly force; and

d. Issued vehicle is five (5) years old or more from the date of receipt.

3. The type of vehicle to be issued will depend upon the existing road network, geographical and topographical features predominant in the area of responsibility of the receiving PNP unit.

4. The maintenance and proper care and use of the vehicles shall be the sole responsibility of the receiving unit. The Chief of Unit/Logistics Officer found to be negligent of their respective responsibilities shall be subject to disciplinary action.

5. Issued vehicles whether sourced from the regular appropriations, special releases, donations and the like should strictly adhere to the standard vehicle markings under NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 99-002 - Approving the Standard Color and Markings for PNP Motor Vehicles, Seacraft and Aircraft. Markings such as thru the effort of, donated by, and similar markings that advertise personalities and groups are strictly prohibited. The Chief of Unit found to be tolerating this practice shall be held liable under the doctrine of command responsibility.

6. Issued PNP vehicles, regardless of their source of appropriations, are deemed property of the PNP. These vehicles are exclusively for official use in the discharge of the PNP ™s mandate. At no instance shall these vehicles be used to accommodate personal errands or be at the disposition of any local executive or politician.

7. Alterations of the vehicle ™s body, whether major or minor, like the removal of PNP markings, accessories, parts, or changing of its color without permission and due notice to the higher authorities of the PNP are not allowed.

8. The maintenance and repair of the issued vehicles shall be governed by the Memorandum Circular Number 2008-010 dated August 11, 2008.


1. The following are the only authorized personnel to receive the vehicles from the Directorate of Logistics (DL)/Logistics Support Service (LSS):

a. The Chief of Unit and the Regional Supply Accountable Officer or the receiving unit ™s Supply Accountable Officer;

b. The Unit ™s Supply Accountable Officer and the Regional Supply Liaison Officer; and

c. The Chief of Unit and the Regional Liaison Officer.

2. The following steps are to be followed by the authorized personnel in the withdrawal of vehicle from DL and LSS:

a. They shall report to the Mobility, Aviation, and Maritime Section (MAMS) of DL for the issuance of the Supply Directive.

b. Once they receive the original Supply Directive, they shall proceed to the Supply Accounting and Monitoring Division (SAMD), LSS for the documentation/processing of the Invoice Receipt for Property (IRP), then to the Supply Storage and Distribution Division (SSDD), LSS for the release of the vehicle.

3. LSS shall prepare the report on the status of vehicle issuances and submit same to DL.

4. The persons receiving the vehicle other than the unit ™s Supply Accountable Officer (SAO) shall indorse the vehicle ™s pertinent documents to their SAOs for records keeping and inclusion in their unit ™s property book.

5. The Regional Directors (RDs) and Provincial Directors (PDs) may be allowed to realign the issuance of vehicles only with the concurrence of both the gaining and losing PNP unit and Local Government Unit (LGU), subject however to the approval of DL.


A. Chief of Unit/Logistics Officers

1. Maintenance and proper use/disposition of the vehicle.

2. Liable to the damage of vehicle due to negligence and improper handling or when used other than official business purposes.

3. Ensure that issued vehicles are used according to its intended purpose and users.

4. Stenciling of vehicle using the prescribed format of DL.

5. Annual renewal of LTO registration.

6. Quarterly physical inspection of vehicles and submission of status reports to higher headquarters Directorate for Logistics (DL), and copy furnished SAMD, LSS.

B. Supply Accountable Officers

1. Ensure that the vehicles are recorded into the PNP property logbook.

2. Update the records of PNP vehicles.


Any violation of this Circular shall be a ground for administrative action, without prejudice to the filing of appropriate criminal charges, if warranted, against the negligent/erring PNP personnel.


This Circular shall supersede all existing memoranda, directives, and other issuances contrary thereto.


This Circular shall take effect fifteen (15) days from the filing of three (3) copies thereof at the University of the Philippines, Law Center inconsonance with Sections 3 and 4 Chapter 2, Book VII of EO No. 292, otherwise known as œThe Revised Administrative Code of 1987 as amended .

Adopted: 24 Feb. 2009

Police Director General
Chief, PNP