[ PNP MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2009-004, March 26, 2009 ]



a.Executive Order No. 546, series of 2006;
b.NHQ-PNP General Orders No. DPL-09-06 dated ;_____and
c.2009 PNP Action Plan on Integrated Transformation Program


This Circular prescribes the operational guidelines, procedures and responsibilities implementing NHQ-PNP General Orders Number DPL-09-06 dated______providing for the Directorates for Integrated Police Operations in Northern Luzon and Southern Luzon.


a) To enhance the span of control being exercised by the Chief, PNP in the administration, operation, and control of the PNP;

b) To further strengthen the efficient and effective working relationship among the Command Group, Directorial Staff including the Directorates for Integrated Police Operations (DIPOs), Regional Police Offices, and National Support Units; and

c) To lay down procedures on how intelligence, operations, investigation, hot pursuit operations and arrest of suspects involved in transregional crimes shall be carried out.


a.) Control - is the power to regulate the actions of a subordinate to ensure that the objectives and policies of the organization are carried out. It includes the authority to modify, amend or rescind decisions of subordinates.

b) Operational Control - the authority delegated to a commander to direct forces provided to him so that he shall accomplish specific missions or tasks that are usually limited by function, time, or location; and to deploy the necessary units and retain or assign tactical control of those units. It does not of itself include administrative or logistic responsibility, discipline, internal organization, or unit training.

c) Direct and Supervise - the authority to act directly whenever a specific function is entrusted by law or regulation to subordinate; direct the performance of duty; restrain the commission of acts; review, approve, reverse or modify acts and decisions of subordinate officials or units; determine priorities in the execution of plans and programs; and prescribe standards, guidelines, plans and programs.

d) Command - is the authority that a Director/Head of Office lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of designation.

e) Responsibility - is the obligation to carry out an assigned task to a successful conclusion and goes with the authority to direct and take the necessary action to ensure success.

f) Functional authority - is the power delegated by the Chief, PNP to the Directorial Staff to control specified processes, practices, and other matters of the NSUs as they relate to specific staff responsibilities.

g) Directing Functional Authority - the power of the members of the Directorial Staff to draw up and transmit orders and instructions to the Directors of the PROs and NSU on matters falling under their respective areas of expertise, within the framework of existing policies and command guidance.

h) Supervisory Authority - is the delegated authority which is neither line nor staff which enables the delegate to oversee some specified responsibilities.

i) Supervision - the power to direct and oversee the actions of a subordinate towards the accomplishment of the objectives of the organization.

j) Inter-Operability - as used in this circular, shall mean the conduct of police operations or joint PNP/AFP movement against lawless elements in addressing issues and concerns affecting peace and order situation such as insurgency, criminality and terrorists attacks involving or affecting two (2) or more Police Regional Offices under a DIPO.


a. General Guidelines

To provide for a clearer delineation of authority relationship between the PNP Command Group, Directorial Staff and Directorates for Integrated Police Operations, the following guidelines shall be adopted:

1) The Deputy Chief for Administration (TDCA), through The Chief of the Directorial Staff (TCDS), shall have supervisory authority over the following members of the Directorial Staff: The Director for Personnel and Records Management (TDPRM); The Director for Logistics (TDL); The Director for Human Resource and Doctrine Development (TDHRDD); The Director for Research and Development (TDRD); and The Director for Comptrollership (TDC).

2) The Deputy Chief for Operations (TDCO), through The Chief of Directorial Staff (TCDS), shall have supervisory authority over the following members of the D-Staff: The Director for Intelligence (TDI); The Director for Operations (TDO); The Director for Plans (TDPL); The Director for Police Community Relations (TDRCP); The Director for Investigation and Detective Management (DIDM); and The Directors for Integrated Police Operations (DIPO).

b. Functional Relationship of the Director for Operations and the Directors for Integrated Police Operations in Northern Luzon and Southern Luzon

1) Directors for Integrated Police Operations in Northern Luzon and Southern Luzon

a) The Directors for Integrated Police Operations in Northern Luzon and Southern Luzon shall formulate and implement operational plans/policies/ directives/SOPs in accordance with the PNP Master/General plans/policies/directives/SOPs and applicable to the environmental peculiarities in respective AOR.

b) Formulate and oversee the peace and order implementation of policing plans and programs peculiar to the AOR in support to socio-economic development.

2) Director for Operations

a) The Directorate for Operations shall continue to assist the Chief, PNP in the exercise of command, control, direction, coordination and supervision of all activities concerning operations, employment and deployment of the PNP.

b) Formulation and implementation of PNP Master Plans, general policies/ issuances/directives and standard operating procedures on internal security operations, anti-criminality campaign, law enforcement and counter terrorism shall be the responsibility of the Directorate for Operations.

c. Functional Relationship of DIPO-Northern Luzon, DIPO-Southern Luzon and Other Members of the Directorial Staff

All members of the Directorial Staff including the newly activated DIPOs shall sustain coordinating relationship which shall mean, but not limited to, advising, planning, synchronizing and harmonizing actions on matters falling their respective areas of concern.

d. Functional Relationship of DIPO-Northern Luzon, DIPO-Southern Luzon and the Police Regional Offices (PROs)

1) DIPO-Northern Luzon and DIPO-Southern Luzon

The DIPO-Northern Luzon and DIPO-Southern Luzon shall supervise and control police operations against terrorists, insurgents and criminals only during operations involving trans-regional boundaries. The day-to-day operations within local boundaries shall be the responsibility of the Regional Directors, PROs.

2) Police Regional Offices

a) The Regional Directors of PROs shall continue to maintain peace any order, prevention and control of crimes solely affecting their respective areas of responsibility.

b) Update and provide information/reports to DIPO of the existence of any trans-regional crimes or lawless group operating in the area.

e. Functional Relationship of DIPO-Northern Luzon, DIPO-Southern Luzon and the National Support Units (NSUs)

The personnel of NSUs shall continue to assume their duties and responsibilities in their respective regional offices in support to PROs on maters relating to their mandate and shall be under the operational supervision of DIPOs.


a. The DIPOs shall direct and supervise the conduct of anti-criminality, counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations against lawless elements which affects two (2) or more PROs.

b. The PROs shall be under operational control and supervision of DIPOs during the conduct of inter-regional operations and/or joint operations with the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The PROs shall adhere with the instructions/directives of the Directors of the DIPOs.

c. The Regional Directors of PROs shall continue to exercise supervision and control over PPOs/CPOs/CPS/MPS on the maintenance of peace and order within his area of responsibility.

d. Coordination on matters of intelligence, investigation, community relations or operations involving trans-regional crimes should be made to the concerned DIPO.

e. The Regional Directors, PROs shall render reports of all crimes committed in their respective areas of responsibility to the Directorate for Operations.

f. The Directors of DIPOs shall render reports directly to the Chief, PNP through the Command Group only when there is occurrence of crimes or operations involving trans-regional concerns conducted in their respective areas of responsibility (copy furnished concerned Directorial Staff for planning and programming, statistics reporting and other similar purposes).

g. The heads of the regional offices of NSUs shall render reports to DIPOs on the result of operations conducted in support to inter-regional peace and order campaign (copy furnished concerned Director of NSU).


The presence of any of the following crimes enumerated below whenever affects the peace and order situation of trans-regional security shall be the responsibility of the DIPO:

a. Terrorism (Violation of Human Security Act)
b. Human Smuggling
c. Piracy in General
d. Rebellion or Insurrection
e. Arms Smuggling
f. Hi-jacking
g. Coup d ™etat
h. Kidnapping for Ransom
i. Highway Robbery
j. Marine Crimes
k. Other crimes as may be subsequently identified

All other crimes affecting the peace and order situation of only one (1) locality or one (1) region shall be the responsibility of the concerned PRO.


a. Conduct of Investigation

The investigation of crimes enumerated in Paragraph VII of this Circular, the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) and/or PRO upon orders of concerned Director of DIPO shall investigate and file cases in court in coordination and support of concerned PNP units/office.

b. Hot Pursuit Operations

During hot pursuit operations, the concerned PRO-PPOs/NSUs are not prevented to pursue its operations or investigation as the case maybe although it may transcend boundaries provided lateral coordination is timely made to the affected PRO or PPO and the concerned DIPO shall be notified through the fastest means of communication.

c. Responsibility on Handling of Cases

(1) DIPO-Northern Luzon and DIPO-Southern Luzon

The Directorates for Integrated Police Operations shall supervise the handling of sensational cases enumerated in Paragraph VII of this Circular. DIDM and DO shall prescribe the assignment of cases to be handled either jointly or separately by the DIPO or PRO.

(2) Police Regional Offices

Al l crimes committed within the AOR of PRO or its subordinate units shall be handled by said units in the exercise of its inherent duties and responsibilities with the end view of promoting justice and peace in the locality.


All PNP policies, directives and issuances which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Circular are deemed rescinded or modified accordingly.


This Circular shall take effect on April 1, 2009.

Adopted: 16 March 2009

Police Director General
Chief, PNP