[ DAR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 8, August 13, 1990 ]
The provisions of this Administrative Order shall be applicable to all application filed on or after its effectivity. All other applications filed previous to this Administrative Order shall be governed by the pertinent Administrative Order or issuances in force at the time of the filing of the applications and shall be processed accordingly.
Necessarily, the provisions of the Administrative Order No. 18 still applies for all applications filed prior to the effectivity of Administrative Order No. 1 and 2.
2. To effect a judicious action on all land conversion cases, procedures in so far as these cases are concerned are revised to read as follows:
a. The provisions on the processing at the MARO, PARO and RARO levels are retained. In all cases, however, the Regional Director is authorized to approve or disapprove applications for conversion of lands five (5) hectares and below. Upon his approval, the Regional Director shall furnish a copy to the respective Assistant Secretaries for Field Operations.
b. For lands exceeding five (5) hectares, the Regional Director shall evaluate the report and recommendation of the PARO and forward the Land Use Conversion Folder (LUCF) together with his own recommendation and draft Order of Approval or Disapproval to the Land Use Conversion Committee (LUCC) to be chaired by the concerned Assistant Secretary for Operations.
c. The Land Use Conversion Committee (LUCC) shall make the final review of the LUCF. This committee shall recommend approval or disapproval of the Conversion application. In case of disapproval, the Committee shall state the reason. The Committee shall then forward the LUCF to the Undersecretary for Field Operations.
d. Office of the Undersecretary for Field Operations and Support Services shall aprrove applications for conversion of lands above five hectares up to fifty (50) hectares.
Subject Undersecretary shall submit to the Office of the Secretary a monthly report of all applications for conversion that have been acted upon, describing the relevant features of each applications.
e. Land Conversion for Lands Exceeding Fifty (50) Hectares: The Land Use Conversion Committee (LUCC), headed by the concerned Assistant Secretary for Field Operations shall also review all LUCF's involving lands in excess of fifty (50) hectares. After the review it shall forward the LUCF and the draft order to the PARC/ ExCom Land Use Technical Committee (LUTC). This Committee will indicate its recommendation to the Secretary of Agrarian Reform.
3. This procedure shall be applicable to all pending applications but requirements shall be subject to the provisions of Administrative Order No. 1 and 2, Series of 1990. The LUCC and LUTC may require submission of documents other than those expressly provided.
4. All substantive provisions of previously approved Administrative Orders not expressly revoked, repealed or amended by this Administrative Order shall still apply in their entirety.
5. This Order takes effect ten (10) days after its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation pursuant to Section 49 of Republic Act 6657.
August 13, 1990.