[ POEA MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 70 S. 1992, August 14, 1992 ]


In view of the increasing incidence of reported cases of stranded overseas contract workers taking refuge at the different Philippine Embassies and Consulates in jobsites abroad, resulting in massive drain of government resources, local recruitment agencies and entities who have deployed these workers shall be directed to initiate the repatriation process within forty eight (48) hours from receipt of notice from the Administration.

In the event that the concerned recruitment agency fail to heed the notice and comply with the repatriation requirements within the specified period, the POEA shall immediately institute the suspension of documentary processing of the agency or contractor concerned. Lifting of the documentary suspension shall be effected only upon the repatriation of the workers or compliance with the repatriation requirements, which shall include the garnishment of the agency's cash bond equivalent to the cost of the repatriation plane ticket.

For strict compliance.

Adopted: 14 Aug. 1992
