[ LRA CIRCULAR NO. 27, August 27, 1990 ]
1. All consolidation and subdivision plans required by law to be approved by the Administrator of Land Registration Authority shall be filed to, and receipted for, by the Authority and numbered consecutively, indexed, and arranged for appropriate action in order of priority. Provided, however, that no action in relation thereto shall be taken until the fees due thereon shall have been paid within two (2) days after the filing of the plan. The date of payment, not the date of filing, shall govern the order of priority. Provided, further, that if said fees are not paid within two (2) days, the plan shall be considered not filed at all and shall be withdrawn. The corresponding assigned subdivision plan number shall be deemed cancelled without prejudice for re-filing of the plan.
2. All subdivision plans shall be assigned to the examiners on the next working day from receipt of the same.
3. Each examiner shall keep and maintain a record book in which he shall enter the subdivision plan number, date he received the plan and the date he finished examining the same. The examiner shall indicate that he received the plan assigned to him for verification and/or examination by signing on the corresponding page of the record book of the employee from whom he received the plan.
4. For purposes of ascertaining whether the subject lot of the subdivision survey/plan does not encroach on or overlap with other decreed or titled properties, the same shall be forwarded to the Land Projection Section for plotting on the Municipal Index Sheet except in the following cases:
a. When the subject lot of the subdivision survey/plan is already plotted on the Municipal Index Sheet in accordance with the present Standard Office Procedure, and the plan carries a certification by the Chief, Land Projection Section that "It does not overlap."
b. When the cadastral lot subject of the subdivision plan adjoins decreed properties. It the status of the adjoining lots cannot be ascertained, the lot subject of the subdivision shall be plotted on the Municipal Index Sheet.
5. The task of ascertaining whether or not the subject lot of the subdivision survey/plan is plotted on Municipal Index Sheet shall devolve upon the examiners of the Subdivision and Consolidation Division. If the findings are in the affirmative, the examiner concerned shall stamp on the subject plan "SUBJECT LOT PREVIOUSLY PLOTTED ON MIS NO. ______ AND DOES NOT OVERLAP" to be attested by the Final Examiner of the said subdivision, otherwise, subject plan shall undergo the usual plotting on the Municipal Index Sheet.
6. Subdivision plans shall be processed within the following period from receipt of the same, to wit:
a. In the Land Projection Section:
Subdivision plans shall be plotted within two (2) working days upon receipt of the same by the Cartographer of the Land Projection Section from the Subdivision and Consolidation Division.
b. In the Subdivision and Consolidation Division:
Subdivision plans shall be processed and verified within three (3) working days upon receipt of the same from the receiving clerk if plotting is not a condition precedent in the verification and approval of the same or within three (3) working days upon receipt from the Land Projection Section if the plan has undergone the usual plotting on the Municipal Index Sheet.
7. Action on subdivision plans in both the Land Projection Section and Subdivision and Consolidation Division shall be taken on the first-come, first serve basis and should be indicated on the prescribed TRACER (see attached form).
8. No subdivision plan shall be accepted for verification and approval if the subdivision results in one or more residential lots not having access to a road. If a right of way is provided in a subdivision, the same shall be delineated as a separate lot and indicated as such on the plan. The subdivision plan shall not be accepted if the right of way is merely indicated thereon by dotted lines.
9. If the subdivision plan contains certain error or lacks certain requirement, it shall be returned immediately to the Geodetic Engineer concerned with a letter requesting him to correct the error or to comply with the requirement within twenty (20) working days from receipt of said letter. If the plan is not resubmitted within the said period, the plan shall be considered withdrawn and the fees already paid thereon shall be forfeited in favor of the LRA.
10. Subdivision plans that have been returned to and corrected by the Geodetic Engineer shall be processed and acted upon as if they have been presented for the first time.
11. Parties transacting official business with the Subdivision and Consolidation Division shall not be allowed inside the working areas in order not to disturb the employees and the flow of work therein. A reception or waiting area shall be provided for those who are transacting official business with the Subdivision and Consolidation Division.
This circular amends LRC Circular No. 13 dated January 21, 1955; supersedes LRC Circular Nos. 343 dated November 16, 1978 and 359 dated September 25, 1979; and supplements LRC Circular No. 301 dated October 13, 1976 and LRA Circular No. 26 dated August 23, 1990. Attention is invited to Administrative Order No. 172 dated August 31, 1978, prohibiting the following-up of papers and plans by officials and employees of this Authority.
Strict compliance herewith is enjoined.
Adopted: 27 Aug. 1990