[ DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 08, January 17, 1990 ]


Pursuant to Executive Order No. 192 dated June 10, 1987 and in order to devise a sound basis for the proper disposition of endemic and exotic animals from existing government projects consistent with the general policy on the conservation and preservation of wildlife resources, the following guidelines are adopted for the information and guidance of all concerned.

Definition of Terms:

Endemic animals refer to those animals with distribution restricted only to the Philippines.

Exotic animals refer to those animals introduced to the Philippines.

Reputable refers to the government institutions or non-stock/non-profit organizations (either local or foreign) duly registered with the appropriate government agency concerned and recognized in the field of wildlife research and management.

Donation refers to the act of liberality whereby a party disposes an animal or animals in favor of another party who accepts it.

Exchange refers to the act whereby a party which binds to give an animal or animals in consideration of the other party's promise to give another animal or animals.

The Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) shall have exclusive jurisdiction over matters involving the disposition of exotic and endemic animals.

Exchange of Animals:

1.    Only those endemic and exotic animals in captive and semi-captive conditions which include confiscated ones and those owned by the government can be utilized for exchange.

2.    Exotic or endemic animals may be exchanged only with other healthy animals of the same species which are capable of reproducing or with native species considered rare, threatened and endangered.

Donation of Animals:

Exotic or endemic animals may be donated if they have been confiscated or if their population exceed the carrying capacity of the site.

Exotic or endemic animals for exchange or donation shall not be captured and transported when they are in heat, pregnant, supporting a young, or still dependent on the parents to survive.

The requesting institution shall be responsible for all the expenses to be incurred in the capture and transport of the animals.  The DENR and the requesting institution shall agree on the method of capture and the manner of transport which shall cause least or no injury to the animals.

The disposition of rare, threatened and endangered wildlife species shall be made through the Wildlife Loan Agreement as per DENR Administrative Order No. 45, series of 1989.

This Order takes effect immediately and revokes or supercedes any Order inconsistent herewith.

Adopted: 17 Jan. 1990
