[ DEPED ORDER NO. 68, S. 2003, August 18, 2003 ]


1.   The Scouting Movement, through the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) and the Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP), is an effective program in the leadership and value formation of every child.  The main objective of this Program is consistent with the Department's mission to enhance, support, and develop boys and girls to well-rounded individuals with exemplary character.  The BSP and the GSP have, so far, produced leaders who are true to the Scout Oath and Law or Girl Scout Promise and Law.

2.   With its impressive track record on youth development, the DepEd recognizes, the significant role of the BSP and the GSP in helping the school system mold pupils and students into responsible and responsive citizens of the country.  As a co-curricular program, scouting activities help stem away vices and bad influences of drugs and peers.

3.   Membership and participation in Boy Scouting indicates the interest of pupils and students in worthwhile activities which develop productive skills through leadership programs and projects that contribute to values development and character formation of the schoolchildren.

4.   In view thereof, the DepEd supports the revitalization of the Scouting Movement nationwide in various areas of possible partnership and cooperation and as such issues the following guidelines:

4.1  Promotion of Membership to the BSP and GSP

All public and private elementary and secondary schools are encouraged to promote membership to the BSP and GSP among all pupils and students, including parents and teachers, at the start of the School Year.

4.2  Membership and Collection of Membership Fees

Membership to the BSP and GSP is voluntary and shall not be made a condition for enrolment, transfer or clearance of pupils and students. Membership fees and other fund raising activities of boys and girls scouts shall be collected by the GSP and BSP unit leaders who shall immediately remit in full to the BSP and GSP local councils duly chartered by their respective national office. No quota in membership shall be required.

4.3  Strenghtening Quality Scouting Program

DepEd officials are urged to contribute in the development and implementation of quality scouting programs.

4.4  Participation of DepEd Officials and Schoolchildren in Scouting Activities

All DepEd officials and schoolchildren are encouraged to participate in scouting activities, such as jamborees, camps, meetings, competitions, trainings and conferences in the school, division, regional, national and international levels, subject to existing DepEd policies, rules and regulations.

4.5  Institutional Support

All DepEd officials are encouraged to support the organization of the BSP and GSP by being active members and officers thereof.  Wearing of the scout uniform by DepEd officials and other personnel, including students, is also encouraged for visibility and image-building.

4.6  Service Credits, Other Credits for Awards Received and Trainings Attended and Other Incentives

DECS Memorandum No. 143, s. 1997 on service credits, DECS Order No. 99, s. 1999 on credits for BSP Awards, DECS Order No. 54, s. 1993 on crediting scouting awards and training for exemption of scouts from the Citizens Army Training (CAT), DECS Order No. 30, s. 1999 on the revised rules on the exemption of girl scouts from the CAT and DECS Order No. 10, s. 1990 on the granting of credits/weight points to GSP achievements and awards are hereby reiterated.

5.   The Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs (CSCA) is hereby designated as office-in-charge of all Scouting matters in the DepEd.

6.   In the field offices, the Regional Directors, Schools Division Superintendents and School Principals shall designate their respective Education Supervisors and Department Heads/Teachers as Scouting Coordinators with their counterparts in the BSP and the GSP to monitor the implementation of the scouting program and ensure its benefits to all schoolchildren interested in the scouting movement.

7.   All RDs, SDS and School Principals are authorized to formulate specific directives in accordance with this Order to ensure the revitalization of the Scouting Movement.

8.   The BSP, GSP and DepEd Regional and Division Offices shall submit all report requirements to the Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs (CSCA).

9.   All other issuances not inconsistent with this Order shall remain effective.

10.   Wide dissemination of and compliance with this Order is hereby directed.

Adopted: 18 Aug. 2003
