[ SRA CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 46, August 07, 1997 ]
The Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) in the exercise of its regulatory functions and also, as a matter of winding up the activities of the current crop year in preparation for the next crop year 1997-1998 concerning production and withdrawal of sugar, hereby orders the conduct of physical sugar stock and sugar quedan-permit inventory in all operating sugar mills and refineries.
In view thereof, all concerned sugar mill and refinery companies are hereby notified that an inventory team from the SRA shall conduct the aforementioned inventory at their warehouses in the presence of the representatives of the mill/refinery and planters' association/cooperative.
Likewise, the concerned mill/refinery companies are hereby advised that during the entire period of the inventory, there shall be NO WITHDRAWAL of sugar from their warehouse/s.
This Circular Letter shall take effect beginning 01 September 1997 until finished.
Adopted: 7 August 1997
In view thereof, all concerned sugar mill and refinery companies are hereby notified that an inventory team from the SRA shall conduct the aforementioned inventory at their warehouses in the presence of the representatives of the mill/refinery and planters' association/cooperative.
Likewise, the concerned mill/refinery companies are hereby advised that during the entire period of the inventory, there shall be NO WITHDRAWAL of sugar from their warehouse/s.
This Circular Letter shall take effect beginning 01 September 1997 until finished.
Adopted: 7 August 1997