[ SRA CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 43, August 15, 1996 ]


Pursuant to the provisions of SRA Sugar Order No. 1, dated September 1,1995, wherein the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) shall undertake periodic assessments of 1995-96 sugar production, the inventory of sugar stocks for the purpose of verifying the physical sugar including outstanding sugar quedans of CY 1995-96 and previous crop years is hereby ordered to be conducted in mill/refinery warehouses starting on September 1,1996 until completed and in accordance with the following:

1. Except as stated in Par. 2, hereof, an Inventory Team (IT) for each sugar mill company/sugar refinery is hereby created. For sugar mills, each IT shall be composed of one authorized representative from the mill company, one from each Federation and/or the planters association/cooperative, and SRA Regulation Officers assigned in the millsite.  For sugar refineries, each IT shall be composed of the authorized representatives of the sugar refinery and the authorized SRA Regulation Officer assigned in the refinery site.

2. A reputable surveying company, whose services shall be hired and paid for by SRA, shall conduct the physical sugar inventory in the presence of authorized representatives of the mill company/sugar refinery, Federations and/or planters associations/cooperatives, and SRA Regulation Officer.

3. There shall be no withdrawal of raw and/or refined sugar in all mill/refinery warehouses during the duration of the physical sugar inventory;

4. The results of the physical sugar inventory and the list of outstanding quedan-permits as of September 1, 1996 as reconciled against the physical sugar as of same date, shall be reflected in the attached prescribed forms and shall be duly signed by the members of the IT.

Likewise, the duly signed forms shall be submitted to the Sugar Monitoring Department, Production Control and Regulation Office, SRA, Quezon City for processing and generation of corresponding inventory reports.

A re-calibration of weighing scales in the mills/ refineries is also, hereby ordered to be undertaken by the same surveying company stated in paragraph (2), hereof, immediately before the start of the milling/refinery operation, whose services shall be paid by the concerned mill/refinery companies.

The said calibration shall be conducted in the presence of the members of the IT.

For strict compliance.

Adopted: 15 Aug. 1996
