[ SRA CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 35, June 14, 1996 ]

1996-1997 QUEDANS

Sugar quedans, of the single sheet stub-quedans-permit format, both for raw and refined and for the CY 1996-97. are being prepared for printing. Mill companies and sugar refineries who desire to revise their formats are hereby requested to submit their revised formats to SUGAR TRANSACTIONS DEPARTMENT, Production Control and Regulation Office, Sugar Regulatory Administration, Philippine Sugar Center Bldg., North Avenue, Diltman, Quezon City on or before:

1) July 15, 1996

For mill companies and refineries who will start their miffing operations between the period September and November, 1996 and

2. August 7, 1996

For mill companies and refineries milling after November, 1996.

After said periods this Office will order the printing of quedan-permits forms on the basis of each mill company's and refinery's CY 1995-1996 format if no proposed revision is received.

Adopted: 14 June 1996

Undersecretary DA and Acting Administrator