[ PSC CIRCULAR NO. 92-52, September 16, 1992 ]


The International Express Mail Service between the Philippines and the United States of America will start on September 21, 1992 and the corresponding postage rates will be announced as soon as the order on postage rates is signed by proper authorities.  Please exert efforts to publicize and market our Express Mail Service so as to raise revenues and see to it that express mails are promptly delivered.

To minimize possible handling errors, and to establish clear operational procedures for handling outward and inward IEMS items, the following guidelines should be followed by all acceptance and delivery offices:

Acceptance of International Express
Mail Service Items

A. Acceptance at Post Office - As much as possible, a separate window shall be assigned in the acceptance of IEMS, where both letter-post and parcel items can be posted.

Window clerk assigned in the acceptance of IEMS should be knowledgeable about the countries where IEMS is available, regarding both reciprocal and one-way agreement, including the existing rates applicable thereto.

IEMS acceptance window should have EMS signs and logo for customers direction.

B. Packaging and Addressing - IEMS items should be properly packed with strong wrapping materials as the nature of the contents may require strong covers.  Fragile items should have plenty of cushioning to protect them from bumps and rough handling in transit.  Liquids must be enclosed in leak-proof glass, metal, or plastic containers.  Each container should then be placed in a metal, plastic, wood, or corrugated cardboard box, surrounded by sawdust, cotton wool or other absorbent materials.  There must be enough absorbent to soak-up all liquid should the inner container break.

Complete and clear address should always be indicated in outward IEMS items, including postcodes and if possible telephone number of addressee at country of destination.  Sender ™s name and return address should be always indicated.

C. Documentation - The self-carbonated receipt in the acceptance of IEMS mails must be completely and clearly accomplished by the receiving clerk, with all items properly filled up.  The original copy, to be pasted/stapled to the item; the duplicate copy, should be given to the sender, and triplicate copy, to be retained by the acceptance office for file.

D. Limits of Size and Weight - An item of IEMS shall not exceed 1.5 meters for any one dimension nor 2 meters for the sum of the length and the greatest circumference measured in a direction other than that of the length;

It shall not exceed 20 kilograms in weight.  (Acceptance clerk should also know the weight limit per country of destination as different countries have different weight limits.)

E. Articles Prohibited for Transmission by EMS - The prohibition provided for in the Universal Postal Union (UPU) Convention shall apply to EMS items on the restrictions on importation and transit given in the List of Prohibited Articles, published by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union.

F. Customs Documentation - Every EMS packet and parcel should be attached with Customs Declaration Form (C1, C2/CP3, CPs).  Where articles contain business papers or documents only, clearly write the words, œBusiness Paper  in the Customs Declaration area.  If the contents are a gift or sample, the consignment note should be clearly endorsed to this effect.  For other items, separately list the different articles enclosed, indicating their net value and weight.

All items which are not exclusively composed of œdocuments  are considered merchandize, including samples with no commercial value.

G. Special EMS Envelope, œFree  to Customers - For purposes of service promotion, a œspecial EMS envelope  should be given œfree , only to customers mailing important business papers and documents which require added protection.

The following items may be sent as documents, as long as they fit in the special envelope:
"Advertising materials (brochures, pamphlets), airline tickets, annual reports, artworks, blank forms, blue-prints, booklets, business cards, calendars, catalogues, charts, graphs, credit cards, diskettes, greeting cards, invitations, labels, manuals, manuscripts, maps, newsletter, passports, photographs, price list, slides, specifications, tapesaudio, video casettes, transparencies & visa applications."
H. Dispatch to Special Services Center, NCR, Manila - All outbound IEMS items/articles should be dispatched immediately to œSSC-NCR, Manila .  The accompanying inner bill should contain a listing of the individual articles, with the name and address of sender, name and address of addressee, weight of items and postage paid.  Do not mix domestic EMS items with IEMS articles.

I. Reports to be Submitted to Special Services Center (SSC)-Manila - To monitor the development of EMS as an aid to the formulation of management policies and programs, every acceptance office of EMS shall submit to the SSC not later than the 5th day of the following month. a Monthly Report on the volume of IEMS items accepted by that office per country of destination and the postage revenue collected.

Delivery of Incoming International
Express Mail Items

All incoming IEMS items addressed to places outside Metro Manila, and forwarded by the Special Services Center to delivery post offices should be immediately delivered to the addressee ™s premises, except those items containing merchandise subject to Customs examination.

If for any reason, the EMS item is found to be undeliverable, it should be returned at once to the Special Services Center, with proper indorsement/notation of non-delivery.

To enable our postal administration to reply at once to requests for information on delivery of EMS items, (this is required under our EMS Bilateral Agreements), the concerned delivery offices should return at once the SSC ™s œForwarding and Advise of Disposition Form  and œProof of Delivery , attached to the item, properly and completely accomplished by the delivery officer, to SSC, Manila.

If for any reason, there is delay in the delivery of the EMS item, such reason shall be stated in the Advise of Disposition Form, for information to the country of origin, when so requested.

All supervisory officials shall monitor the strict compliance of these procedures by all International Express Mail Service acceptance and delivery offices nationwide.

Previous orders in conflict herewith are revoked or modified accordingly.

Adopted: 16 Sept. 1992

Executive Director
Officer in Charge


List of International Express Mail
Service (IEMS)
Acceptance Offices Nationwide
As of September 16, 1992

-   SSC-NCR, Manila
-   Makati Cental Post Office
-   Pasay Central Post Office
-   NAIA Post Office
-   Domestic Airport Post Office
-   Quezon City Central Post Office
-   Araneta Center (Cubao) Post   Office
-   San Juan Central Post Office
-   Caloocan Central Post Office
-   Angeles City Post Office
-   Olongapo City Post Office
-   San Fernando, Pampanga, Post Office
-   Bataan Export Processing    Zone Post Office (Mariveles, Bataan)
-   Iloilo City Post Office
-   Bacolod City Post Office
-   Cebu City Post Office
-   Mandaue City Post Office
-   Tacloban City Post Office
-   Zamboanga City Post Office
-   Davao City Post Office
-   Cagayan de Oro City Post Office

List of Countries with IEM Service
with the Philippines

1. Australia 12. Norway 2. Brunei 13. Pakistan 3. China, People ™s Rep. of 14. Qatar 4. Colombia 15. Saudi Arabia 5. Hongkong 15. Saudi Arabia 6. Japan 17. Switzerland 7. Korea, Rep. of 18. Thailand 8. Macao 19. United Arab Emirates 9. Netherlands 20. U.S.A. - incl. Guam & Hawaii 10. New Zealand 21.   Spain 11. Nigeria    

See CIRCULAR NO. 92-52 Appendix 1 "Annex A" : Revised Daily Withholding Tax Table (Effective January 1, 1991)  : (NAR) VOL. III NO. 3 / JULY - SEPTEMBER 1992 pp. 397 - 400

See CIRCULAR NO. 92-52 Appendix 2 : (NAR) VOL. III NO. 3 / JULY - SEPTEMBER 1992 pp. 403

See CIRCULAR NO. 92-52 Appendix 3 "Annex C" : Amended Alphabetical List for 1991 : (NAR) VOL. III NO. 3 / JULY - SEPTEMBER 1992 pp. 404

See CIRCULAR NO. 92-52 Appendix 4 "Annex C" : Pre-Audit Sheet (Covering 1701 Tax Returns for Taxable Year 1991) : (NAR) VOL. III NO. 3 / JULY - SEPTEMBER 1992 pp. 405