[ POEA ADVISORY NO. 1, S. OF 2002, APRIL 26, 2002, April 26, 2002 ]


Effective 2 May 2002 and in pursuit of Continual Service Improvement (CSI) under its Quality Management System, the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration shall adopt the registration system of foreign employers and principals.

The POEA will no longer evaluate documents verified by the Philippine Overseas Labor Offices (POLOs) and will simply register them.

The following documents verified by the POLOs together with a letter request shall be submitted to the POEA by the Philippine licensed agency for the registration of its principal/project:

1.         Special power of attorney or recruitment agreement or service agreement as the case may be.

2.         Master employment contract of the foreign principal.

3.         Manpower request/job order of the foreign principal indicating the position and the salary.

4.         Valid business license/registration.

Appropriate documentary and procedural guidelines including process flows shall be drawn by the Landbased Center and the Household Workers Center to be conspicuously posted in their respective work areas.

An Internet/web based data system of all employers/principals shall be maintained by POEA in which POLO may access in the process of verification of documents.  POLO shall transmit to the concerned POEA operating units via e-mail a daily report on documents that they had verified.  POLOs are also expected to maintain their respective data base of all their verified documents.

Meantime, the POLOs shall be furnished by e-mail, fax or regular pouch with the updated POEA lists of all foreign employers/principals with valid accreditation in their areas of jurisdiction for ready reference.  All registration transactions of POEA shall be closely coordinated with the POLOs.

For information and guidance of all concerned.

Adopted: 26 April 2002
