[ LTO MEMORANDUM, November 08, 2007 ]


To ensure proper accomplishment of the Routing Slip for License Process (QR- LIC-ROUT) R3, copy of which is available in the ISO Guidelines, Work Instructions and Support Documentation Manual, the following guidelines should be observed.


A routing slip for license process was designed to ensure that the following standard processing time are being implemented in the Licensing Centers and District Offices:

Student permit
30 minutes
New and other transactions with examinations
240 minutes
Renewal/Duplicate License
30 minutes
Should there be deviations of the actual from the standard processing time, the reason for the delay in the processing should be explained and documented.


NOTE: Those words with existing standard definitions such as student permit, new license, etc. will no longer be defined in this memorandum circular.

1. Routing slip - form being used to capture the actual processing time of a certain transaction. The actual processing time is being compared with the standard processing time through the use of the routing slip.

NOTE: It is important that the one filling up the routing slip will reflect in the form the real time consumed in processing a workstep. The routing slip should not be used to mislead nor to distort nor provide incorrect impression on what is actually happening in a certain office processing license transaction.

2. Workstep - enumeration of all the processing that should be done to complete a license transaction.

4. IN - the time when an application is placed in a workplace (usually a table of the processor) for a workstep.

5. OUT - the time when an application has gone through a certain workstep and is passed on to the next workplace for the next workstep.

NOTE: The waiting time is included in the IN-OUT process. Should the waiting time exceed the allotted standard processing time for a certain workstep, the reason for the waiting time should be reflected in the remarks.

6. Signature refers to the signature of the person processing the transaction.

7. Remarks refer to the reason/s why the actual processing time exceeded the standard processing time or the reason for rejecting a certain transaction.


1. The one in-charge of the routing slip shall attach a routing slip to the submitted application and will check the box of the type of transaction being processed.

2. He/she will complete the required information in the above portion of the form, such as the date and the transaction ID. Each routing slip will be assigned with one transaction ID. There should be no duplication and the assignment of the transaction ID should be sequential.

3. All personnel assigned in the various workstep listed in the routing slip are required to fill up the time when the transaction is placed in their workplace (table) in the IN portion of the routing slip, even if he/she is currently attending to an earlier transaction. The time IN and the time when he started working in that transaction after finishing an earlier transaction (waiting time) can be reflected in the remarks portion of the routing slip. Processing of an earlier transactions can be a reason for not meeting the standard processing time. The OUT portion of the routing slip should be filled up after finishing a workstep.

4. All processors should sign the signature portion after finishing the process assigned to her/him and immediately pass on the transaction to the next workstep.

5. For accuracy and uniformity, the computer time should be used.

6. Uniform time format should be used in the form of hr:min:sec.

7. Reasons for rejected transactions should be documented. Use the remarks column to indicate the reason for the rejection.

8. Routing slip should be filed by date and by type of transaction. Those transactions which exceeded the standards processing time should be evaluated if the reasons are valid or not. Reasons for the delay should be properly addressed.


All employees are hereby instructed to honestly fill up the routing slip. Non-observance of the prescribed guidelines shall be a ground for administrative sanctions.


This memorandum circular shall be effective once received by the implementing offices.

Compliance herewith is hereby enjoined.

Adopted: 08 Nov. 2007

Assistant Secretary