[ PPA MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 15-99, April 12, 1999 ]



1.1 Section 28 of P.D. 857, Revised Charter of PPA

1.2 Section 29, PPA AO No. 13-77, General Port Regulations

1.3 PPA Operations MO No. 01-99, Improvement of Pasig River Operations

1.4 PPA-PMO-S.H. M.C. No. 01-99, Berthing of Watercrafts at Pasig River


2.1 To optimize utilization of available government berths in Pasig River for cargo handling/related port services;

2.2 To rationalize the use of mooring/anchoring facilities at the new Barge Pool at the West Breakwater of South Harbor;

2.3 To synchronize the entry of loaded barges/watercrafts into Pasig River with the availability of vacant government/private port berths at Pasig River;

2.4 To prevent constriction of the waterway and enhance safe and unobstructed navigation in Pasig River; and

2.5 To elicit the utmost cooperation of port users and others concerned in contributing their efforts towards the attainment of the objectives of the Pasig River Rehabilitation Program.


3.1 General Guidelines on the Berthing/Stay of Watercrafts At Pasig River


Only single berthing of loaded barges/watercrafls parallel to the river bank shall be allowed at both government berths and private ports of Pasig River;

Idle or non-productive barges/watercrafts in government berths and private port areas shall not stay along Pasig River and, instead, shall transfer to the SH West Breakwater Barge Pool or other suitable areas outside of Pasig River;
Empty barges/watercrafls shall not be allowed entry into the Pasig River unless they are to be utilized for loading cargoes or mobilized for operating service equipment;
The berthing of a service/standby tugboat alongside a singly-berthed working barge shall be allowed at Pasig River;
Mediterranean berthing or vessel positions vertical-to the-bank shall be prohibited along Pasig River.

3.2 Entry to Pasig River of Cargo Loaded Barges/Watercrafts From South Harbor and MICT Anchorage and From Outports

As a rule, the operator/representative of a cargo loaded barge/watercraft from South Harbor/MICT Anchorage shall submit at least 24 hours before its expected entry to a government berth at Pasig River, to the Terminal Supervisor (TS) or Harbor Master (HM), or his representative, Terminal Management Office (TMO) of Pasig River, a Berthing Application (BA) for each barge, herein attached as Annex "A", supported by:
An approved PPA Shipside Permit (SP), for loading/unloading of cargoes, issued by the HM, Marine Operations Section, of PMO S.H., Annex "B" herein;

A copy of the Inward Foreign Manifest (IFM).

In the case of a loaded barge/watercraft/batel from the outport, its operator/representative shall also file with the TS/HM/his representative, at the TMO Pasig, at least also 24 hours before its expected entry to a government berth at Pasig River, the BA for each barge supported, in lieu of the SP and IFM, by the Coasting Manifest (CM)
The TS/HM his representative of TMO Pasig shall approve the BA thus filed if a government berth at Pasig River is available or likely to become available within two (2) hours before its expected entry/arrival at the designated government berth, based on the productivity rate determined by the TS/HM/his representative with the cargo handler.
Only after the approval of the BA based on the availability of the government berth shall the loaded barge, watercraft/batel concerned proceed to said berth at Pasig River.

3.3 Entry of Cargo Loaded/Empty Barges/Watercrafts to Private Ports at Pasig River

As a rule, the operator/representative of a loaded/empty barge/watercraft seeking berth at the private port in Pasig River shall submit at least 12 hours before its entry thereat to the TS/HM/his representative at the TMO Pasig River, the BA supported by the coasting manifest.
When berth is available at the private port as verified by the TS/HM/from the operator in said port, the BA thus filed shall be approved by the TS/HM/his representative only after which the watercraft concerned shall proceed to said berth.
Rafted logs at the private port or its immediate vicinity shall be on single row paralleled to or along the Pasig River bank, including the servicing tugboat.

3.4 Treatment of Cargo Loaded/Empty Barges at South Harbor/MICT Anchorage or From Outports Destined For Government Berths or Cargo Loaded/Empty Barges/Watercrafts For the Private Ports in Pasig River

When there are no available government berths at Pasig River for cargo loaded barges from South Harbor, said watercraft shall be required by the HM/HOA, MOS, PSD of PMO S.H. to anchor/moor first at the Barge Pool at the West-Breakwater (WBW) at South Harbor, except tanker barges which shall be moored outside the Breakwater (OBW).
In case of non-availability of berths at private ports in Pasig River, loaded/empty watercrafts already at the mouth of the Pasig River destined thereto, shall be required through Shifting Order (S.O.) by the TS/HM/his representative of TMO Pasig, to proceed to the Barge Pool at WBW at South Harbor.

3.5 Berthing, Stay/Movement of Barges/Watercrafts at Government Berths at Pasig River

Loaded barges/watercrafts with approved BA at government berths in Pasig River shall be singly berthed parallel to the river bank and serviced of their cargoes by the authorized cargo handler, per productivity rate determined by the TS/HM/his representative, TMO Pasig, and the cargo handlers.
After the barges/watercrafts are completely serviced of their cargoes, including tanker idle barges, they shall immediately leave their assigned government berths in Pasig River and proceed to the Barge Pool at WBW at South Harbor. When necessary, the Shifting Order (S.O.) shall be issued for the purpose by the TS/HM/his representative of the TMO Pasig River.
For safety' reasons, double-berthing of barges/watercrafts can be allowed upon the hoisting of typhoon signal No. 1 by PAG-ASA, in suitable/safe available berths in the Pasig River and upon agreement of the owners/operators thereof.

After said typhoon signal is lowered, the watercrafts allowed double-berthing shall disengage and transfer immediately to designated areas and upon the order of the TS/HM/his representative.

3.6 Berthing, Stay/Movement of Barges/Watercrafts at Private Ports at Pasig River

Loaded barges/watercrafts with approved BA at private ports shall be singly berthed parallel to the river bank and serviced of their cargoes by their contractors. They can stay thereat after being emptied, provided their single berth paralleled to the river bank is maintained.
Empty barges/watercrafts with approved BA shall also be singly berthed along the river bank and can stay thereat to receive their cargoes or as empty provided their single berthing along the river bank is also maintained.
Where circumstances warrant the entry of two (2) or more barges at a private port, same may be allowed provided that each barge should singly berth parallel to or along the river bank.

3.7 Movement/Stay of Barges with Export/Domestic Cargoes at the Government Berth or Private Ports at Pasig River

Barges/Watercrafts allowed berths at government berths in the Pasig River with their import cargoes from South Harbor/MICT anchorages after their cargoes are discharged and there are no subsequent barges issued approved BA to occupy same berths, can be allowed to load export/domestic cargoes thereat, subject to the productivity rate/time limitation determined by the TS/HM/his representative with the cargo handler concerned.
The same barges referred in paragraph 3.7.1 above, after being emptied of its import cargoes, can also be allowed to proceed to private ports if they have cargoes to pick up therefrom provided berths are available thereat.

3.8 Movement/Stay of Tugboats in the Pasig River and at the West Breakwater (WBW) Barge Pool at South Harbor

To ensure the mobility of a barge singly berthed along the bank of Pasig River and being worked of its cargoes, the berthing of a servicing tugboat alongside said barge is allowed.
When berthing beside the barges by servicing tugs is not practicable by reason of scarcity of space, the tugboats can be allowed by the TS/HM/his representative to doubly berth alongside available berthing areas along the bank in Pasig River provided the space occupied by the two (2) tugboats would be equivalent to a space that can be occupied by a barge of regular size.
The anchoring/mooring at the WBW Barge Pool at S.H. of tugboats beside the barge to be serviced by them is allowed provided factors of safety and mobility of barges/watercrafts anchored thereat are considered.

3.9 Regulating the Movement, Berthing/Anchoring of Barges/Watercrafts at the West Breakwater (WBW) Barge Pool and Other Areas at South Harbor

The anchoring of cargo loaded/empty barges/watercrafts (except tanker barges treated under paragraph 3.4.1 hereof) and tugboats at the Barge Pool (WBW) while waiting for entry to Pasig River or departure to other areas shall be regulated by the HM/HOO of MOS, PSD of PMO - South Harbor.
The Tugmaster of a servicing tug for non-propelled barge or the patron of a self-propelled barge shall communicate thru Radio Channel 16 (Calling Channel). at the South Harbor Radio Control Office, the movement of said watercrafts for regulation purpose.
Loaded barges/watercrafts anchoring/mooring shall, as far as practicable, be separated from the areas of empty barges.
Double/multiple bunking of barges/watercrafts at WBW can be allowed provided the factors of safety and mobility are ensured by their respective operators/representatives.

3.10 Safeguards on the Collection of Port Usage Fee on Vessels/Watercrafts and Wharfage on their Cargoes

The TS/HM/his representative of TMO-Pasig, shall require from the operator/representative of the barge that will receive discharged import cargoes from the anchored carrying/foreign registered vessel at S.H. Anchorage, a copy of the approved PPA Shipside Permit (SP) (for loading/unloading of cargoes) issued by the Harbor Master of MOS, PSD, PMO South Harbor.
The HM/HOO of MOS, PSD, PMO S.H. shall strictly monitor the entry, stay and departure of barges/tugboats that are anchored/moored/berthed at the WBW of S.H., thru a logbook that shall be maintained for the purpose.
Cargo loaded/empty barges leaving the WBW of S.H., destined to outports (not S.H. and MICT) shall be collected by the PMO S.H. the corresponding usage fees which have accrued during their stay at the S.H. WBW anchorage, including their stay at the Pasig River, if the same has not yet been paid upon verification from the TS/HM/Finance Officer at TMO Pasig.
The TS/HM/his representative of TMO Pasig and the HM/HOO of MOS PSD, PMO S.H. shall respectively ensure that port usage fee/wharfage which have accrued from vessel/watercrafts covered by this Circular are properly/effectively collected by PPA.
Close coordination and exchange of data and information on said vessels and wharfage on their cargoes shall be done by the TS/HM/his representative of TMO Pasig and HM/HOO of MOS, PSD, PMO S.H. to achieve the mandate in paragraph 3.10.4 above.

3.11 Cleanliness of Water at Government Berths/Private Ports and Barge Pool at West Breakwater (WBW) at South Harbor

The TS/HM/his representative of TMO-Pasig, shall require from the operator/representative of the barge that will receive discharged import cargoes from the anchored carrying/foreign registered vessel at S.H. Anchorage, a copy of the approved PPA Shipside Permit (SP) (for loading/unloading of cargoes) issued by the Harbor Master of MOS, PSD, PMO South Harbor.
The HM/HOO of MOS, PSD, PMO S.H. shall strictly monitor the entry, stay and departure of barges/tugboats that are anchored/moored/berthed at the WBW of S.H., thru a logbook that shall be maintained for the purpose.
Cargo loaded/empty barges leaving the WBW of S.H., destined to outports (not S.H. and MICT) shall be collected by the PMO S.H. the corresponding usage fees which have accrued during their stay at the S.H. WBW anchorage, including their stay at the Pasig River, if the same has not yet been paid upon verification from the TS/HM/Finance Officer at TMO Pasig.
The TS/HM/his representative of TMO Pasig and the HM/HOO of MOS PSD, PMO S.H. shall respectively ensure that port usage fee/wharfage which have accrued from vessel/watercrafts covered by this Circular are properly/effectively collected by PPA.
Close coordination and exchange of data and information on said vessels and wharfage on their cargoes shall be done by the TS/HM/his representative of TMO Pasig and HM/HOO of MOS, PSD, PMO S.H. to achieve the mandate in paragraph 3.10.4 above.

3.12 Manning and Provision of Security at the Barge Pool (WBW), South Harbor

The HM of MOS or the PSD Manager, PMO S.H., shall assign berthing officers (HM/HOO) at the Barge Pool (WBW) to effectively/systematically regulate the safe/practicable berthing/anchoring of barges/tugs/watercrafts thereat.
The Stacom (Manager) of Port Police Division (PPD), PMO S.H. shall also assign Port Police personnel at the Barge Pool (WBW) to maintain peace and order and provide security to PPA personnel/others and properties of PPA thereat, and also to ensure that regulations on the maintenance of cleanliness of the water are observed.

3.13 Assistance for Effective Implementation of This Circular

The HM of MOS or the PSD Manager, PMO S.H., shall assign berthing officers (HM/HOO) at the Barge Pool (WBW) to effectively/systematically regulate the safe/practicable berthing/anchoring of barges/tugs/watercrafts thereat.
The Stacom (Manager) of Port Police Division (PPD), PMO S.H. shall also assign Port Police personnel at the Barge Pool (WBW) to maintain peace and order and provide security to PPA personnel/others and properties of PPA thereat, and also to ensure that regulations on the maintenance of cleanliness of the water are observed.


4.1. Watercrafts whose owners/operators violate any of the provisions of this Circular shall, in proper case, be subject to the port usage penalty of 500% per day.

4.2 Said watercrafts shall, in addition, be subject to the proper penalty provided in Section 43 of PD 857, and/or suspension/cancellation of its PTO or license and to such other appropriate legal sanctions after due process.

4.3 The barges/watercrafts of operators/representatives which had previously violated twice any of the provisions of this Circular shall be denied berthing priority at the government berths at Pasig River.

Amendatory Clause

5.1 This Circular shall be subject to periodic review by the Port Manager, PMO S.H., in consultation, when expedient, with concerned port users and cognizant government agencies/private organizations.

5.2 After said review, desirable changes to this Circular shall be issued as amendments thereof.

5.3 This Circular amends any issuance inconsistent herewith.

Effectivity Clause

This Circular shall be effective immediately.

Adopted: 12 Apr. 1999

General Manager