[ MTRCB MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 07-03, April 30, 2003 ]
Applicants are not required to submit the titles of their films, television programs, and publicity materials for prior approval, but such titles and publicity materials must necessarily fall within the standards of a GENERAL AUDIENCE ( G ) classification. However, the following titles shall not be allowed:
(a) Direct representation of, or clear references to, sexual acts, masturbation, excretory functions, and the genitalia;
(b) Those which, when intentionally mispronounced for promotional purposes, become direct representation of, or clear references to, sexual acts, masturbation, excretory functions, and the genitalia.
(c) Those which, no matter how innocent in a particular Philippine dialect or in any other language but are, in the Filipino language, direct representations of, or clear references to, sexual acts, masturbation, excretory functions, and the genitalia; and
(d) Those which are contrary to law, public order, public safety, or any legitimate public interest.
In line with the thrust of the government to curb down on lewd titles and publicity materials, all concerned are enjoined to cooperate.
Any issuances inconsistent to this Memorandum Circular is considered repealed.
This Memorandum Circular takes effect immediately.
For your information and compliance.
Adopted: 30 Apr. 2003