[ POEA MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 18, s. 2003, June 24, 2003 ]


After appropriate consultation, the Department of Labor and Employment shall issue an electronic ID card (e-Card) to seafarers effective 14 July 2003.

The e-Card, which shall be issued FREE of charge to all qualified seafarers, is designed to facilitate seafarers' transaction with the POEA and the Overseas Workers' Welfare Administration (OWWA).

For this reason, the application for e-Card issuance shall be processed simultaneously with the employment contract subject to the submission of the following documents to the OWWA cashier upon payment of the Welfare Fund Contribution:

  1. Seafarer's e-Card ID Form, a copy of which is hereto attached
  2. Size 2 X 2 and passport-quality picture of seafarer (with plain background)
  3. Photocopy of the identification page of the Seafarer's Identification and Record Book (SIRB)

Upon submission of the employment contract and SIRB for processing, a copy of the Request to Process Seafarer (RFS) Form shall be stamped "Received for Processing" by the Sea-Based Employment Accreditation and Processing Center, which in turn shall be used to claim the e-Card from the OWWA counter located at the Philippine One Stop Processing Center (PSOC) on the ground floor lobby of the POEA building.

For strict compliance and guidance of all concerned.

Adopted: 24 June 2003
