[ DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 2004-15, May 22, 2004 ]


Pursuant to Sections 5 and 22 of Republic Act No. 9147, otherwise known as the "Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act," the preliminary List of Threatened Wildlife, including their different categories, and the List of Other Wildlife Species are hereby established.

SECTION 1. Definition of Terms - As used in this Order, the following terms shall mean as follows:

1. Threatened Species - is a general term to denote species or subspecies considered as critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable or other accepted categories of wildlife whose population is at risk of extinction;

2. Critically Endangered Species - refers to a species of subspecies that is facing extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future;

3. Endangered Species - refers to a species of subspecies that is not critically endangered but whose survival in the wild is unlikely if the causal factors continue operating;

4. Vulnerable Species - refers to a species of subspecies that is not critically endangered nor endangered but is under threat from adverse factors throughout their range and is likely to move to the endangered category in the near future;

5. Other Threatened Species - refers to a species of subspecies that is not critically endangered, endangered nor vulnerable but is under threat from adverse factors, such as over collection, throughout their range and is likely to move to the vulnerable category in the near future;

6. Other Wildlife Species - refers to non-threatened species that have the tendency to become threatened due to predation and destruction of habitat or other similar causes as may be listed by the Secretary upon the recommendation of the National Wildlife Management Committee.

SECTION 2. The List of Threatened Wildlife and their Categories -

A. Critically Endangered Species

Family Scientific Name Common Name
Bovidae Bubalus mindorensis Tamaraw
Cervidae Cervus alfredi Visayan spotted deer
Muridae Crateromys australis Dinagat hairy-tailed cloud rat
  Crateromys paulus  
Pteropodidae Dobsonia chapmani Philippine bare-backed fruit bat
Dugongidae Dugong dugon Dugong
Suidae Sus cebifrons Visayan warty pig
Family Scientific Name Common Name
Psittacidae Cacatua haematuropygia Philippine Cockatoo
Bucerotidae Aceros waldeni Walden's hornbill
  Anthracoceros montani Sulu hornbill
Dicaeidae Dicaeum quadricolor Cebu flowerpecker
Accipitridae Pithecophaga jeffreyi Philippine eagle
Cuculidae Centropus steerii Black-hooded coucal
Sternidae Sterna bersteini Chinese crested tern
Gruidae Grus antigone Sarus crane
Columbidae Phapitreron cinereiceps Tawi-tawi brown dove
  Gallicolumba menagei Sulu bleeding heart
  Gallicolumba keayi Negros bleeding heart
  Gallicolumba platenae Mindoro bleeding heart
  Ptilinopus arcanus Negros fruit dove
Scientific Name Common Name
Cheloniidae Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill turtle
Bataguridae Heosemys leytensis Philippine pond turtle
Crocodylidae Crocodylus mindorensis Philippine crocodile
Varanidae Varanus mabitang Panay monitor lizard


All species of terrestrial fauna and flora listed under Appendix 1 of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

B. Endangered Species

          MAMMALS           Family Scientific Name Common Name       Pteropodidae
Acerodon jubatus
Golden-crowned fruit bat  
Nycitimene rabori
Philippine tube-nosed fruit bat Cervidae
Cervus calamianensis
Calamian deer Muridae
Crateromys heaneyi
Panay bushy-tailed cloud rat Suidae
Sus sp A from the Sulu Archipelago
        BIRDS           Family Scientific Name Common Name       Bucerotidae Penelopides panini Visayan tarictic hornbill   Penelopides mindorensis Mindoro hornbill Pycnonotidae Hypsipetes siquijorensis Streak-breasted bulbul   (= Ixos siquijorensis) (=Mottle-breasted bulbul) Psittacidae Prioniturus vericalis Blue-winged racket-tail Ciconiidae Ciconia boyciana Japanese white stork Muscicapidae Rhinomyias albigularis White-throated jungle flycatcher Timaliidae Stachyris nigrorum Negros striped -babbler   Stachyris speciosa Flame-templed babbler   (=Dasycrotapha speciosa)   Turdidae Copsychus cebuensis Black shama   Rhyacornis bicolor Luzon water-redstart Columbidae Gallicolumba criniger Mindanao bleeding-heart Ardeidae Gorsachius goisagi Japanese night-heron Scolopacidae Tringa guttifer Nordmann's greenshank       REPTILES           Family Scientific Name Common Name       Ceheloniidae Caretta caretta Loggerhead turtle   Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle   Lepidochelys olivacea Olive ridley sea turtle   Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback turtle Bataguridae Heosemyus spinosa Spiny terrapin Trionychidae Pelochelys cantorii Southeast Asian softshell Turtle       AMPHIBIANS           Family Scientific Name Common Name       Ranidae Platymantis negrosensis Negros forest tree frog   Platymantis polilloensis Polillo forest tree frog   Platymantis spelaeus Negros limestone frog   Platymantis subterrestris Mt. Data cloud frog


All species of terrestrial fauna and flora listed under Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

C. Vulnerable Species

Family Scientific Name Common Name


Acerodon leucotis Palawan flying fox
  Pteropus dasymallus Wooly flying fox
  Pteropus speciosus Philippine gray flying fox
  Pteropus leucopterus White-winged fruit bat
Muridae Archboldomys luzonensis Isarog shrew-mouse
  Crateromys schadenbergi Bushy tailed-cloud rat
  Phloemys cumingi Southern Luzon Giant cloud rat
  Batomys russatus Dinagat hairy-tailed rat
Cervidae Cervus mariannus Philippine brown deer
Manidae Manis culionensis Palawan pangolin
Erinaceidae Podygymnura aureospinula Dinagat gymnure
Felidae Prionailurus bengalensis Leopard cat
Suidae Sus barbatus Bearded cat
  Sus philippensis Philippine warty pig
Tragulidae Tragulus napu Mouse deer
Pteropodidae Pteropus sp. A from Mindoro Island  
  Haplonycteris sp. A from Sibuyan Island  
Family Scientific Name Common Name
Columbidae Ducula carola Spotted imperial pigeon
  Ducula mindorensis Mindoro imperial-pigeon
  Ptilinopus marchei Flame-breasted fruit dove
  Ducula pickeringii Grey imperial-pigeon
  Caloenas nicobarica Nicobar pigeon
  Ducula poliocephala Pink-bellied imperial-pigeon
  Gallicolumba luzonica Luzon bleeding-heart pigeon
  Ptilinopus merrilli Cream-bellied fruit dove
  Treron formosae Whistling green-pigeon
Alcedinidae Ceyx melanurus Philippine dwarf kingfisher
  Alcedo argentata Silvery kingfisher
  Todiramphus winchelli Rufous-lored kingfisher
  Actenoides hombroni Blue-capped kingfisher
Muscicapidae Muscicapa randi Ashy-breasted flycatcher
  Ficedula platenae Palawan flycatcher
  Rhinomyias insignis White-browned jungle flycatcher
  Ficedula basilanica Little slaty flycatcher
  Hypothymis coelestis Celestial blue monarch
Campephagidae Coracina ostenta White-winged cuckoo-shrike
  Coracina mcgregori Mcgregor's cuckoo-shrike
Dicaeidae Dicaeum haematosticum Visayan flowerpecker
  Dicaeum retrocinctum Scarlet-collared flowerpecker
Eurylaimidae Eurylaimus steerii Visayan broadbill
  Eurylaimus steerii Mindanao broadbill
Picidae Picoides ramsayi Sulu Woodpecker
Chloropseidae Chloropsis flavipennis Philippine leafbird
Pittidae Pitta steerii Azure-breasted pitta
Pitta kochi Koch's pitta Estrildidae
  Erythrura viridfacies Green-faced partofinch
Turdidae Zoothera cinerea Ashy thrush
  Rhyacornis bicolor Luzon water-redstart
Timaliidae Ptilocichla falcata Falcated wren-babbler
Phasianidae Polyplectron emphanum Palawan peacock-pheasant
Bucerotidae Anthracoceros marchei Palawan hornbill
  Aceros keucocephalus Writhed hornbill
  Buceros hydrocorax Rufous hornbill
Psittacidae Prioniturus platenae Blue-headed racket-tail
  Prioniturus luconensis Green-headed racket-tailed parrot
  Tanygnathus lucionensis Blue-naped parrot
Strigidae Bubo philippensis Philippine eagle-owl
  Mimizuki gurneyi Giant scops-owl
Accipitridae Spizaetus philippensis Philippine hawk-eagle
  Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus Grey-headed fish-eagle
Silviidae Acrocephalus sorghophilus Streaked reed-warbler
  Phylloscopus ijimae Ijima's leaf-warbler
Ardeidae Egretta eulophotes Chinese egret
Emberizidae Emberiza sulphurata Japanese yellow bunting
Scolopacidae Eurynorhynchus pygmaeus Spoon-billed sandpiper
  Numenius tahitiensis Bristle-thighed curlew
Charadriidae Charadrius peronii Malaysian plover
Sturnidae Gracula religiosa Palawan hill myna
Anatidae Anas luzonica Philippine duck
Anhingidae Anhinga melanogaster Darter
Megapodiidae Megapodius cumingii Tabon scrubfowl
Family Scientific Name Common Name
Varanidae Varanus olivaceus Gray's monitor lizard
  Varanus salvator cumingi Malay monitor lizard
    (Mindanao population)
  Varanus salvator marmoratus Malay monitor lizard
    (Northern Philippine population)
  Varanus salvator nuchalis Malay monitor lizard
    (Central Visayas population)
Family Scientific Name Common Name
Ichthyophiidae Ichthyophis glandulosus Basilan caecilian
  Ichthyophis mindanaoensis Mindanao caecilian
Bufonidae Ansonia mcgregori Macgregor's slender toad
Ranidae Limnonectes magnus Mindanao fanged Frog
  Platymantis hazelae Hazel's forest frog
  Platymantis insulatus Gigante island limestone frog
  Platymantis lawtoni Lawton's forest frog
  Platymantis rabori Rabor's forest frog
  Rana igorota Taylor's igorot frog
Rhacophoridae Philautus schmackeri Mindoro tree frog
D. Other Threatened Species    
Family Scientific Name Common Name
Viverridae Arctictis binturong Binturong
Cynocephalidae Cynocephalus volans Flying lemur
Cercopithecidae Macaca fascicularis Philippine macaque
Pteropodidae Pteropus vampyrus Giant flying fox
Tarsiidae Tarsius syrichta Philippine tarsier
Family Scientific Name Common Name
Varanidae Varanus salvator rudicollis Rough-necked monitor
Agamidae Hydrosaurus postulatus Philippine sailfin Lizard
Boidae Python reticulatus Reticulated python
  Trimeresurus flavomaculatus mcgregori Batanes pit viper

SECTION 3. The List of Other Wildlife Species
Family Scientific Name Common Name
Oriolidae Oriolus isabellae Isabela oriole
Family Scientific Name Common Name
Discoglossidae Barbourula busuangensis

Philippine flat-hearted frog

SECTION 4. Interpretation - In case of conflict between the scientific name and the common name in the actual application, the scientific name shall be the controlling interpretation.

SECTION 5. Species under more than one category - In case of conflict between the enumeration of species in this Order and the CITES Appendices, the listing in this Order shall prevail.  However, for conservation purposes other than the application of penalties under Section 28 of Republic Act No. 9147, the higher category shall apply.

SECTION 6. Review and Updating of the List - The Secretary, in consultation with scientific authorities, the academe and other stakeholders, shall regularly review and update or as the need arises the herein list of terrestrial wild fauna and flora; Provided, that a species listed as threatened shall not be removed therefrom within three years following its initial listing.

SECTION 7. Effectivity - This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in a newspaper of national circulation.

Adopted: 22 May 2004
