[ MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 244, December 09, 1994 ]
WHEREAS, water is not only basic to human activities but is necessary to sustainable economic development.
WHEREAS, water is precious commodity and thus must be conserved and rationally utilized.
WHEREAS, in the Philippines, 2600 people contract water-bourne diseases daily, where 30% of household do not have access to potable water, and where 50% of potential irrigable areas still needs to be serviced.
WHEREAS, there is still a need for more investments by all sectors, both government and private, on safe water and sanitation.
WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to properly manage the utilization of the nation's water resources to ensure that human and economic needs are provided for in a sustainable way.
WHEREAS, there are numerous water agencies undertaking and addressing inter-related water activities and concerns.
WHEREAS, there is a need to further integrate and coordinate all these water-related efforts towards a more focused approach to water resources management.
WHEREAS, all waters belong to the State and as such, its utilization, exploitation, development, conservation and protection is subject to the control and regulation of Government.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:
SECTION 1. The Water Summit Action Plan, hereto, attached as "Annex A" is hereby approved.
SECTION 2. Cabinet Cluster G (Water Resource Management Cluster), as constituted under Memorandum Order No. 243 dated 9 December 1994, is hereby designated as the lead coordinator for the overall implementation of the Water Summit Action Plan.
SECTION 3. All concerned agencies shall submit their specific workplans including the timetable to implement the Water Summit Agreements to Cabinet Cluster G on or before 20 December 1994. An integrated plan of action on the agreements of the Water Summit shall be submitted by Cluster G to the Office of the President by 28 December 1994.
Regular monthly reports shall also be submitted by Cabinet Cluster G to the Office of the President on the activities and actions taken thereon.
Section 4. This Memorandum Order shall take effect immediately.
Adopted: 9 Dec. 1994
To ensure the continued provision of adequate, safe and affordable water supply, we hereby submit the following Action Plan as agreed between and among the participants of the National Water Summit held on 9 December 1994 at the Heroes Hall, Malacanang, Manila:
1. Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall make water resources development, utilization and management concerns an integral part of the school curricula;
2. Department of Interior and Local Government shall build the capabilities of the Local Government Units to ensure the provision of adequate, safe and affordable water supply to their constituents;
3. Department of Science and Technology, in coordination with the agencies engaged in water and sanitation activities, shall initiate researches on water resources development to determine and disseminate for adoption, the most appropriate and cost effective technologies;
4. National Economic and Development Authority shall put in place the policies and mechanics for ensuring optimum cost recovery, whenever possible, of water resources development and utilization;
5. National Water Resources Board shall strictly enforce the provisions of the Water Code and initiate amendments thereto, to require registration of all water well-drilling and extractions and to provide for stiffer penalties and violations of the Code;
6. Department of Health shall intensify surveillance of the quality of drinking water and enforce existing rules and regulations on food hygiene and safety;
7. All water-related agencies shall provide the National Water Resources Board complete and updated statistical and related information on developments in their respective areas of responsibility in aid of the Board's policy decision-making;
8. National Economic and Development Authority shall initiate/pursue the setting-up and strengthening of institutional mechanisms for closer coordination among water-related agencies; and
9. All water-related agencies shall establish and strengthen mechanisms for policy/program consultation and collaboration between and among sectors, i.e. LGUs, NGOs, consumers and other private sector groups.
We shall undertake periodic review and updating of these commitments and submit regular status reports to the Office of President.
Secretary of Economic
Planning and Chairman, Sub-Committee on
Water of the Cabinet Cluster D
Secretary of Public Works and Highways
and Co-Chairman, Sub-Committee on
Water of the Cabinet Cluster D