[ LTO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. ACL-2009-1150, February 17, 2009 ]


Pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement between LTO and BOC on the Inter-connectivity Project through the Certificate of Payment Authentication and Verification System (CPAVS) and to ensure the effectiveness of the project (transmission of BOC electronic Certificate of Payment) and the integrity of the transmitted electronic data, the following guidelines and procedures must be strictly adhered to.

For brevity, the following acronyms shall mean as follows:

BOC-CP - Bureau of Customs Certificate of Payment

BOC/AAB-OR - Bureau of Customs/Authorized Agent Bank Official Receipt

CPAVS - refers to the information technology system that facilitates the reporting of the issuance of certificate of payment to all imported motor vehicles and/or components through electronic transmission

e-CP - electronically transmitted BOC-CP

e-OR - electronically transmitted BOC/AAB-OR

CP Classification - refers to the codes assigned by the Bureau of Customs for each defined status of imported motor vehicles and/or components to aid LTO to determine what specific documents to require


Step 1. Searching for an e-CP or e-OR

1. All BOC-CP and/or BOC/AAB-OR transmitted electronically by the Bureau of Customs can be retrieved and made available for stock reporting only through the Consignee Data Entry Utility of the CPAVS;

2. To search for BOC-CP, type or key-in the prefix œB  before the CP number. Example: BOC-CP No. 123456, key-in B123456;

3. To search for BOC/AAB-OR (for components only), type or key-in the prefix œR  before the BOC OR number. Example: BOC/AAB-OR No. 78901, key-in R78901

Step 2. Validation of e-CP and e-OR details

a. Once e-CP or e-OR is retrieved, its details should be validated/verified against the documents being submitted by the MAI operator.

b. If there is no discrepancy in the details between the e-CP and the CP document and all documentary requirements are complied with, the evaluator shall proceed to the assignment or creation of Customer ID.

c. If the number of components appearing on the CP document is less than the number of components on the e-CP or e-OR, the transaction will still be considered valid for processing and the evaluator shall proceed to the assignment or creation of Customer ID. MAI should, however, be advised to proceed to BOC for the processing of the components that were not included in the e-CP or e-OR.

d. For cases hereunder specified, the transaction must be rejected by closing the window without saving the transaction and MAI should be advised to have the deficiency corrected with the authorities concerned:

d.1) lacking in documentary requirements;
d.2) all the details in the e-CP or e-OR do not match with those in the CP or importation documents;
d.3) the number of components in the CP or importation documents is more than the number of components appearing in the e-CP;
d.4) the number of motor vehicles and/or its components is already considered a commercial quantity and the acquisition of which is obviously not for the own consumption of the importer based on its nature of business;
d.5) the motor vehicles and/or its components, regardless of the quantity, were imported for trading purposes but the importer thereof is not LTO accredited importer; or
d.6) the motor vehicles and or its components are in violation of E.O. 156 or any existing laws, rules, and regulations.

Step 3. Assigning of Customer ID

a. To assign a Customer ID once the e-CP or e-OR is retrieved and has passed the validation/evaluation, select the Customer ID corresponding to the Customer ™s Name and/or Accreditation Number from the drop-down list that matches the documents being submitted for stock reporting like the copy of the CP, OR, stock report, and other pertinent documents.

If in case the Consignee ™s Name does not match with any of the Customer ™s Name and/or Accreditation Number or is not existing in the drop-down list, a Customer ID must be created first by a DOSYS Admin using the Customer Maintenance Facility so that it can be included in the drop-down list of the CPAVs and only then can the evaluator proceed with step 3 (assigning of Customer ID).

b. Once assigned a Customer ID, stock report may now be processed using the MAIDRS facility.

BOC-CP or BOC/AAB-OR for encoding by the LTO-CPEU

In cases where the CP was issued prior to the interconnectivity implementation date and the CP record still does not exist in the MAIDRS database, the evaluator must advise the client to proceed to the Certificate of Payment Encoding Unit (CPEU) for the uploading of CP details.


This Memorandum shall take effect 15 days after publication. All orders and/or memoranda that are inconsistent herewith are deemed superseded.

For strict compliance.

Adopted: 17 Feb. 2009

Assistant Secretary