[ PPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 02-95, January 18, 1995 ]




1.1 Sections 2(a) and (b); and 6(a), (ii), (iii), and (x), PD 857;

1.2 PPA MO. No. 04-87 dated 27 February 1987



2.1 The VOC, as herein revised, shall be implemented in all baseports and other PPA manned terminals with authorized cargo handling (CM) contractors/operators by the Port Management Office and the Port District Office exercising jurisdiction thereon.



3.1 To ensure efficient CH operations and faster turn-around time of vessel in the port.

3.2 To enhance efficient port services.

3.3 To promote harmonious relationship between port users and PPA.



4.1 To provide a system/mechanism by which the cargo handling operator and shipping line in the port can stipulate thru Vessel Operations Commitment (VOC) their respective requirements and responsibilities and the subsequent evaluation and analysis of the actual implementation thereof thru the Post Vessel Operations Evaluation Report (PVOER).

4.2 To determine, establish, improve cargo handling productivity rates per commodity type.



5.1 Vessel Operations Commitment (VOC)

5.1.1. The VOC (Annex "A"* hereof) shall be executed by shipowners/agents of all vessels, whether foreign or domestic, with PPA authorized cargo handling operators in the port, in accordance with the specific instructions attached thereto as "Annex A-1"* . It shall be submitted to the PMO or its Terminal Management Office (TMO).

5.1.2 The VOC shall specify the particular cargo handling service requirements of every vessel in the port, and the commitment of the cargo handler, considering such factors as, but not limited to, type of vessel and lifting gears, handling equipment to be provided for arrastre/stevedoring work, necessary gang compliment, cargo classification type and the targeted productivity rate per commodity type in metric tons for containerized cargoes and in boxes for containers.

5.1.3 A quarterly or annual VOC shall be updated when necessary to modify the cargo handling service requirements of the vessel and/or commitments of the cargo handler.

5.2 Post Vessel Operations Evaluation Report (PVOER)

5.2.1 The PVOER (Annex "B"* herein) shall be accomplished in accordance with the specific instructions appended as Annex "B-2"* thereof, the following day after completion of the vessel operations by the authorized PPA cargo handler, confirmed by the vessel owner/agent and attested by Terminal Supervisor or Terminal Officer after which it shall be submitted to the latter.

5.2.2 The Terminal Supervisor or his representative shall analyze and evaluate actual implementation of the VOC by the cargo handler and vessel owner/agent in terms of their respective responsibilities therein. Problems arising during such implementation shall be discussed by the concerned parties and remedial measures shall be effected by them.

5.3 Productivity Summary Report (PSR)

5.3.1 The monthly PSR (Annex "C"* hereof) of the PMO/TMO shall contain the cargo handling productivity rates derived from all the PVOERs processed within the month and shall be prepared by the Terminal Supervisor of the baseport and Terminal Officer of the TMOs and submitted to the PSD manager.

5.3.2 The Semi-Annual PSR (Annex "D"* hereof) of the PMO shall contain the productivity rates derived from monthly PSR and shall be prepared by the Port Manager on a 6-month basis and on the first week of July for the January-June of the same year and on the first week of January of the following year for the July to December of the previous year. Copies of this PSR shall be submitted to the PDO Manager and AGM for Operations for his and GM's information.

5.4 Responsibilities of Field Operations personnel in the implementation of the VOC and PVOER

5.4.1 The PDO Manager, PMO Manager of the PMO's, TS, STOOs, TOOs and other concerned operations personnel shall, within their respective level of responsibilities, monitor/supervise the actual implementation of the PVOER; determine the cargo handling productivity rates per type of commodities handled in their ports; devise system or take appropriate measures/remedial action to improve said rates in coordination with cargo handlers and shipping lines concerned.

5.4.2 The CH productivity rates per Net Gang Hour and per commodity type for the years 1991-1993 contained in Annex 'E'* hereof, which are derived from the data so far submitted to PPA Head Office (POSD) by the PDOs/PMOs, shall serve as reference/guides or starting points in the task of determining CH productivity rates and improving them by cargo handlers and shipping lines concerned.


PMO Guidelines

6.1 The Port Manager is hereby empowered to issue local Memorandum Circular designed to effectively implement this Order.


Penalty Clause

7.1 Violation or non-compliance with any of the provisions of this Order shall subject the respondent to appropriate penalty prescribed in applicable PPA regulations or to cancellation of permit/contract in case of cargo handler.


Rescission Clause

8.1 PPA MO No. 10-89 and unnumbered Memorandum dated March 1990 relating to VOC/PVOER are hereby rescinded and PPA MO No. 04-87 dated 27 February 1987 and other PPA rules and regulations inconsistent herewith are amended or modified accordingly.



9.1 This Order shall take effect upon its approval.

Adopted: 18 Jan. 1995

General Manager

* Text Available at Office of the National Administrative Register, U.P. Law Complex, Diliman, Quezon City.