[ DAR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 7 S. 1992, November 05, 1992 ]


Paragraph 2 of Administrative Order No. 8, Series of 1990, is hereby amended to read as follows:
"2. In order to effect a judicious action on all land use conversion applications, the rules and regulations for the processing of these application are revised as follows:

a. The established rules and regulations on the processing of conversion applications at the MARO and PARO levels are retained.  The Regional Director shall evaluate the report and recommendation of the PARO and forward the Land Use Conversion folder (LUCF) together with his own recommendation to the Land Use Conversion Committee (LUCC) of the DAR Central Office.

b. The LUCC shall make the review of evaluation of the LUCF.  This Committee shall recommend the approval or disapproval of the conversion application.  The Committee shall then forward the LUCF, together with the draft order of approval or disapproval, to the Undersecretary for Special Concerns and External Affairs (SCEA).

c. The Undersecretary for Special Concerns and External Affairs shall approve applications for conversion of lands fifty (50) hectares and below.

Subject Undersecretary shall submit to the Office of the Secretary a monthly report of all applications for conversion that have been acted upon and those that are pending describing the relevant features of each application.

d. All LUCFs involving lands in excess of fifty (50) hectares shall be forwarded by the concerned Regional Director to the PARC Land Use Technical Committee (PLUTC) for review and evaluation before the final action by the Office of the Secretary."
All substantive provision of previous Administrative Orders not expressly revoked, repealed or amended by this Administrative Order shall still apply.  All other issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby modified or repealed accordingly.

This Order takes effect ten (10) days after its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation pursuant to Section 49 of Republic Act No. 6657.

Adopted: 5 Nov. 1992
