[ PDIC BULLETIN NO. 92-4, November 23, 1992 ]


In view of the increase in the deposit insurance from P40,000 to P100,000, please be reminded that the decals and desktop signs indicating membership with PDIC need to be replaced to reflect the change.  PDIC is now accepting orders for the new membership signs.  Following are the procedures for procurement:

1. All orders for the desktop sign and sticker or decal shall be made either personally or by mail using the attached order form* .  Send the form to:
The Insurance Office
Philippine Deposit Insurance Corp.
PDIC Building
2228 Pasong Tamo
Makati, Metro Manila
2. The unit prices of the PDIC membership signs are:
Decals/Stickers - P18.20 each
Desktop/Standees - P45.30 each
The prices quoted above include processing costs.  Not included however, are the cost for packaging and mailing (for orders to be mailed), bank charges of P150 (for payments made through out-of-town checks), and such other cost which the PDIC may deem chargeable to the ordering bank.

3. For mail orders, our Insurance Office shall send a billing letter as soon as an order is received. If the ordering bank does not reply within a maximum of sixty (60) days from the date the billing letter was sent, the order shall be cancelled by the Insurance Office.

4. All remittances/payments shall be made to our Treasury Department.  Payments made in checks and Postal Money Orders shall be made payable to the "Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation".

5. No delivery shall be made unless the original copy of the official receipt is first presented to the Insurance Office.  However, for mail orders and deliveries, the original copy of the official receipt shall be sent together with the signs to be delivered to the ordering bank.

For your guidance.

Adopted: 23 Nov. 1992

Officer in Charge

* Available upon request at the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR), U.P. Law Center, Diliman, Quezon City.