[ GSIS RESOLUTION NO. 173, July 23, 2003 ]


RESOLVED, to NOTE the memorandum dated July 17, 2003 of the Senior Vice President (Corporate Services Group) which she submitted in compliance with Board Resolution No. 163 dated July 7, 2003 directing her to submit/present to the Board during the next meeting the following: 

a. a comparative table of the existing policy and the proposed enhanced policy; and 

b. the benefits that could be derived from the undertaking exploring on the System's point of view and that of the clients as well. 

RESOLVED FURTHER, to APPROVE the General Policy and Procedural Guidelines of the Enhanced Life Policy (ELP), a newly designed compulsory life insurance programs for GSIS regular members, which will over time eventually replace the old Life Endowment Policy, a copy* of which is hereto attached and made an integral part of this Resolution by reference. 

The Enhanced Life Policy Program shall take effect on August 1, 2003. 

RESOLVED FINALLY, to DIRECT the Senior Vice President (Corporate Services Group), in coordination with the Vice President (Public Affairs) to conduct a massive information campaign about the ELP, the newly designed compulsory life insurance program for regular GSIS members.

Adopted: 23 July 2003 (Board Meeting No. 14)

* Text Available at Office of the National Administrative Register, U.P. Law Complex, Diliman, Quezon City