[ DOE DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 95-01-03, January 24, 1995 ]
WHEREAS, the APEC is a forum for cooperation among the countries involved in various areas of concern one of which is the APEC Energy Working Group, a multi-lateral venue for promoting cooperation on energy issues in the Asia-Pacific region.
WHEREAS, the Department of Energy (DOE), by virtue of its mandate is tasked to be the National Focal Point for the Working Group on Regional Energy Cooperation and the various Experts' Groups (Energy Database, Technology Cooperation, Energy Efficiency and Conservation and Clean Coal Technology).
WHEREAS, to enable the DOE to carry out such mandate, a strong coordination machinery must be set up to ensure effective country participation in the APEC energy activities.
ACCORDINGLY, the following directives are hereby issued:
SECTION 1. Creation of the Committee - There is hereby constituted an APEC Regional Energy Cooperation Coordination Committee or herein referred to as the Committee.
SECTION 2. Composition of the Committee - The Committee shall be composed of the DOE Assistant Secretary for Policy and Programs and the Director of the Energy Planning and Monitoring Bureau (EPMB) as Over-all Coordinator, and Focal Person and Alternate respectively, of the Working Group on Regional Energy Cooperation and the division chiefs of the following units as focal persons/alternates: Management Information Division (MID), Geodata Information and Service Division (GISD), Non-Conventional Energy Division (NCED), Conventional Energy Division (CED) and Energy Efficiency Division (EED). The Director and Assistant Director of the Energy Utilization Management Bureau (EUMB) are the focal persons of the Experts' Groups on Technology Cooperation and Clean Coal Technology, respectively. The complete list of the APEC Focal/Sub-Focal Persons and Alternates is attached as Annex "A"* .
The focal persons or alternates so designated are authorized to fully represent and bind the DOE in all relevant activities, conferences, seminars and other training programs of the APEC Energy Working Group, unless the DOE Secretary decides to defer, cancel or redirect activities in view of the agency's expressed thrusts and priorities.
The foregoing authorization also applies to the attached agencies of the DOE namely: National Power Corporation (NPC), Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) and the National Electrification Administration (NEA) who are also involved as sub-focal points of the different experts groups.
SECTION 3. Powers and Functions of the Committee - As deemed necessary, the Committee shall meet on a monthly basis to:
1. formulate and implement policy directions along the context of APEC's operational objective of maximizing the energy sector's contribution to the region's economic and social well-being without prejudice to national development goals.
2. make appropriate action/position on issues/concerns and agreements/resolutions reached in APEC for a and other similar activities.
3. deliberate/review country positions and other technical papers prior to forthcoming meetings and other activities.
4. discuss general developments on the WG REC and the various experts' groups.
Committee may call upon other officials of the DOE and its attached agencies to participate in its meetings and other activities. The Committee may also invite representatives from other agencies and the private sector.
SECTION 4. Source of Funds - Expenses appurtenant to APEC energy-related activities shall be borne by the particular bureau/service units of DOE and attached agencies in the absence of sponsorships and grants.
SECTION 5. Technical and Administrative Support - Technical and administrative support shall be provided by the International Energy Relations Section of Policy and Program Coordination Division of the EPMB-DOE.
SECTION 6. Effectivity - This Department Order shall take effect immediately.
Adopted: 24 Jan. 1995
Acting Secretary
* Text available at Office of the National Administrative Register, U.P. Law Complex, Diliman, Quezon City.