[ DENR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 2005-12, July 22, 2005 ]


Pursuant to the provisions of Executive Order No. 192 dated 10 June 1987, and in order to effectively implement the provisions of DENR Administrative Order No. 2004-24 dated 24 August 2004, entitled "Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the Administration and Management of Foreshore Lands," the following are hereby issued for immediate compliance of all concerned:

    1. A Foreshore Areas Management Unit (FAMU) shall be created in the Land Management Bureau (LMB) and in all Regional and Community Environment and Natural Resources (CENR) Offices with existing foreshore lands.

    2. The LMB Director shall be the National Coordinating Officer of FAMU. He/she shall create/organize a FAMU unit within LMB which shall be under his direct supervision. The LMB-FAMU shall be responsible for, but not limited to perform the following:

      2.1 Formulate policies, plans and programs for the efficient and effective administration and management of foreshore lands;

      2.2 Supervise and monitor the implementation of the policies, plans and programs on the administration and management of foreshore lands nationwide;

      2.3 Conduct training and Information, Education and Communications (IEC) to enhance the technical competence of personnel involved in foreshore administration and management and increase public awareness; and

      2.4 Develop and institutionalize foreshore lands database management nationwide.

    3. The FAMU at the Regional Office shall be lodged at the Land Management Division of the Regional Land Management Sector. As such, it shall be responsible for, but not limited to perform the following:

      3.1 Supervise, monitor and coordinate the implementation of policies, plans and programs pertaining to foreshore lands administration and management within the region;

      3.2 Evaluate the Foreshore Lands and Miscellaneous Lease applications and recommend for its approval in accordance with existing rules and regulations;

      3.3 Ensure the timely collection and payment of the annual lease rental of all foreshore lands and miscellaneous leases; and

      3.4 Maintain database of all records and statistics within the region for the efficient management and monitoring of foreshore areas.

    4. The FAMU at the CENRO shall be headed by a personnel holding a Senior Land Management position and placed under the Land Disposition Section. The personnel of the FAMU shall be duly appointed by the CENR Officer and approved by the RED. As such, it shall be responsible for, but not limited to perform the following:

      4.1 Implement the policies, plans and programs pertaining to foreshore lands administration and management;

      4.2 Accept, evaluate and process Foreshore Lands and Miscellaneous Lease applications in accordance with existing rules and regulations;

      4.3 Conduct inventory of foreshore areas to determine existing/appropriate uses, extent of areas, number of settlers and availability of open areas;

      4.4 Undertake surveys of foreshore areas, if required, in coordination with the Regional Office;

      4.5 Perform field investigation/inspection in relation to foreshore and miscellaneous lease applications and evaluation;

      4.6 Monitor the compliance of the provisions stipulated under the Foreshore Lands and Miscellaneous Lease Agreements; and

      4.7 Maintain data base of all records and statistics for the efficient management and monitoring of foreshore lands.

    5. The FAMU at the LMB, Regional and CENR offices shall be composed of a Head FAMU who have acquired sufficient knowledge and expertise in the management and administration of foreshore areas, and shall be assisted by at least two (2) competent technical personnel and one (1) clerical staff. The FAMU, in general shall be subject to the supervision of their respective superiors.

    6. Funds for this purpose shall come from the regular fund.

This Order supersedes and/or revokes all Orders, Circulars or Instructions which are inconsistent herewith.

This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in major newspapers of general circulation and upon acknowledgement by the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR).

Adopted: 22 July 2005
