[ DECS ORDER NO. 76, S. 1999, July 30, 1998 ]


Statement of Policy

In line with the Department ™s desire to provide public elementary and secondary schools with quality desks and armchairs at minimum costs, the following guidelines are hereby issued for the procurement of the regional requirements of desks and armchairs.

Scope of Project

The project pertains to the manufacture and door-to-door delivery of quality desks/armchairs to schools in accordance with DECS approved designs and specifications.

2.1 Allocation of Funds

The funds for the 1999 Desks/Armchairs Project shall be used solely for the procurement of desks/armchairs and for its administration/supervision. The allocation of the regional funds shall be as follows:

a. Not more than 10% of the allocation shall be set aside for the purchase of desks and armchairs, manufactured and fabricated by cooperatives formed by persons with disabilities and non-government organizations assisting them to be implemented by the Regional Office.

b. At least 90% shall be allocated for the procurement of desks/armchairs to be undertaken by the Regional Director ™s Office and Central Office.

2.2 Allocation of Desks/Armchairs

It shall be the responsibility of the Regional Directors and Schools Division Superintendents to determine the region ™s/division ™s desks/armchair requirements. In determining the requirements, the serviceable desks/armchairs inventory vis-a-vis the enrollment should be considered. The desk requirements shall be used as the basis for allocating the desks budget among the schools divisions following R.A. No. 7880.

The list of recipient schools indicating the number of units needed shall be prepared by the division office for submission to DECS Central Office and respective Regional Office. The list should indicate the name of the school, location, preferred type of classroom desk/armchair and the number of units to be delivered per school.

Preference shall be given to arts and trades schools, other similar technical/vocational schools and small local furniture manufacturer, which possess the technical capabilities in the manufacturing and fabrication, in the purchase of desks and armchairs. Volumes will be dependent on their ability to meet delivery dates and quality specifications.

2.3 Procurement Procedures

2.3.1 Competitive Public Bidding

The DECS Regional Office PBAC shall conduct the public bidding of the desks/armchair requirement, following these procedures:

a. Publication of the invitation to Bid shall be advertised at least three (3) times within at least two (2) consecutive weeks in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

b. Only DECS regional and central office accredited manufacturers of desks and armchairs shall be allowed to participate in the bidding.

c. The Regional PBAC shall conduct an initial bidding of all prospective contractors and recommend to the Central Office Awards Committee (COAC) the three lowest evaluated bidders.

d. The COAC shall further evaluate and determine the contract awardee(s) in accordance with preset guidelines.

e. There should be a minimum of three bidders per region. If there are less than three bidders, procurement can be done through a negotiated contract in accordance with COAC guidelines.

2.3.2 Negotiated Contract

a. Negotiated contract shall be entered into only in the following conditions:

a.1 (By COAC) When there has been a failure of competitive bidding for the second time.

a.2 (By Regional PBAC) When the purchase is to be made from another Agency of the Government (i.e. trades schools) as indicated in 2.2 par. 3.

Evaluation and Award

A Central Office Awards Committee (COAC) shall be created to inspect and evaluate prospective bidders/manufacturers and select awardee(s). The COAC shall be composed of:

a. Chairman - Undersecretary Nilo O. Rosas

b. Vice-Chairman - Assistant Secretary Emmanuel M. Mariano

c. Members - Regional Director/Assistant Regional Director Engr. Elmer Juinio, TFEAM Mr. Pancho Legarda, Property Division Mr. Alberto Bantugan, PFD-OPS

d. Secretariat - PFD Staff

4. Immediate dissemination and compliance of this Order is directed.

Adopted: 30 July 1998
