[ LTO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. ACL-2009-1196, August 10, 2009 ]


The initial registration of imported motor vehicles shall be validly effected in accordance with the following guidelines:

1. At the District Offices of Diliman, Pasay, Caloocan and Quezon City pursuant to LTO Memorandum Circular No. AHS-2008-963 dated 06 May 2008 (for imported vehicles that are not banned under EO 156);

2. LTO Memorandum Circular No. AHS-2008-963 also provides that œExempted from this order are the TAX-EXEMPT, which is to be registered with the Diliman District Office only, and all motor vehicle[s] imported by associate members of the Motor Vehicle Development Program (MVDP) ;

3. In relation to AHS-2008-963, in an 11 April 2008 Briefing Memo of then Assistant Secretary Alberto H. Suansing to the Hon. Anneli R. Lontocon the Subject - œCabinet Meeting Agreements on Anti-Smuggling Plan , it stated that, œLast 08 April 2008, we had a meeting with BOC Commissioner Napoleon Morales and it was agreed during the meeting that all imported motor vehicles except those imported motor vehicles of associate members/participants of the Motor Vehicle Development Program (MVDP) will be registered in Metro Manila ;

4. Accordingly, motor vehicles imported under the MVDP can be initially registered at any District Office capable of registration; and

5. At the Aparri District Office pursuant to and to implement the Preliminary Injunction issued by the Regional Trial Court of Aparri Branch 10, dated November 27, 2008.

In view of the interconnection of the Management Information System (MIS) of LTO as a result of the implementation of the DOTC/LTO-IT PROJECT BOO AGREEMENT, the renewal of registration of all IMPORTED vehicles may be effected at any District Office that has the capability of registration through the interconnected MIS, similar to any validly registered motor vehicle. Renewal does not have to be at the District Office where initial registration was effected.

During downtime, however, no process leading to registration of an imported vehicle is allowed; therefore, in no case shall there be any manual uploading of data.

All other issuances inconsistent with this Memorandum Circular are hereby superseded.

For strict compliance.

Adopted: 10 Aug. 2009

Assistant Secretary