[ DEPED MEMORANDUM NO. 68, S. 2002, April 11, 2002 ]
1. This Memorandum amends the Guidelines in implementing the School-based Repair and Maintenance Scheme (SBRMS) embodied in DECS Memo. 394, s. 2000. The Revised SBRMS Guidelines (Inclosure A) incorporates the findings during the pilot implementation.
2. Starting with the 2002 Budget, all disbursements out of the allotment for Repair and Maintenance of School Buildings shall be in accordance with the Revised SBRMS Guidelines issued under this Memorandum.
3. The Regional and Division officials and staff as well as the Principal/School Heads concerned are reminded of the following procedures in the SBRMS:
a. All schools shall be provided with preventive maintenance budget every year;
b. The Principal/School Head takes the lead role in the repair and maintenance work.
c. The School Principal shall ensure that the Parent-Teacher Community Association (PTCA) actively participate in the repair and maintenance activities of the school.
d. The Division Office shall release at least P10,000 to the Principals/School Heads. For amounts beyond P10,000 this will need the approval of the Division Superintendent according to the scope of works submitted by the Principals/School Heads. The Principal/School Head shall implement repair and maintenance work according to the enclosed revised guidelines for SBRMS. After the work has been completed and all payments made, the Principal/School Head shall accomplish Form 2 -School Form and submit to the Division Office with all the supporting documents and receipts for each transaction.
e. The Division Office shall prepare the Statement of Expenditures (SOEs) for all disbursements using Form 1 and shall submit the consolidated SOEs to the Regional Office before the end of each month.
f. The Regional Office shall consolidate all SOEs submitted by the Division offices and shall submit monthly consolidated SOEs to the Central Office, Accounting Division (c/o Molyn Dionela 6377201) for all repair and maintenance expenditures.
g. World Bank procurement guidelines should be strictly complied with.
4. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Memorandum is desired.
Adopted: 11 April 2002
Revised Guidelines in Implementing School-Based Repair and Maintenance Scheme (SBRMS)
A. Definition of Terms
1. School-Based Management - Minor repair and maintenance of school facilities are to be undertaken by all public elementary and secondary schools throughout the country. The Principal/School Head shall be accountable for the identification, implementation, supervision, completion and reporting of minor repair and maintenance work being undertaken.
2. Minor Repair - Refers to the replacement of schoolbuilding components which are not subjected to critical structural loads and stresses and which are estimated to cost less than 10% of the cost of the standard unit, such as repair of windows, door, partitions and the like.
3. Maintenance - The measure or measures necessary to retain an item in or restore it to its original status or to a specified condition. Such measure or measures may be concerned with preventing, forestalling or correcting damaged or deterioration like painting the roof and exterior part of the schoolbuilding. It aims to keep the item in good operating order, prolong its economic life and preserve its appearance.
Maintenance work aims to: (1) prevent further building deterioration; (2) enhance building endurance in cases of calamities such as typhoons, earthquakes and floods; (3) meet emergency requirements; (4) correct deficiencies causing disruption/inadequacy of utilities especially water supply and electrical services; or (5) make facilities serviceable and safe for the use of pupils.
Maintenance work includes: (a) repair of classroom, library, laboratory, toilets and other facilities used by students such as replacements for roofing sheets, wall claddings, ceiling boards, windows, door, jambs, partition, parts of stairs, flooring and hardware (locks, knobs, etc.); (b) electrical repairs including replacement of fixtures and electrical rough-ins; (c) plumbing services for water systems; (d) repair of security fence; (e) rust proofings and painting of roof; (f) painting works; and (g) termite prevention.
Each public elementary school shall be provided at least P10,000 per year for preventive maintenance, depending on the availability for funds for this purpose. The secondary schools with their own budgetary appropriation shall allot at least P10,000 of the school's budget for Repair and Maintenance for preventive maintenance work every year. For amounts beyond P10,000, this will need the approval of the Division Superintendent according to the scope of works submitted by the Principals.
4. Community Participation - Representatives of stakeholders assist the School Head/Principal in the implementation of works financed under the SBRM Scheme. This will create a local sense of responsibility and ownership as well as ensure transparency.
B. Duties and Responsibilities
1. The Principal shall be primarily responsible for the repair and maintenance work in their respective school. He shall supervise the implementation of approved work and submit corresponding liquidation reports. He shall encourage the active participation of the Parents-Teachers Community Association in the repair and maintenance activities of the school.
2. Regional and Division Offices shall prepare implementing guidelines and conduct information dissemination activities to ensure that school heads, chairpersons of SBRMS and other staff concerned have a working knowledge of the system and procedures to be employed.
3. The Physical Facilities Coordinator (PFC)/Senior Engineer of the Region/Division Offices shall facilitate, monitor and assess completed and on-going repair and maintenance work funded under SBRMS. They will provide technical assistance to the Principals as necessary.
4. DepEd Central Office shall monitor and assess SBRMS implementation, specifically to (i) monitor on-going and completed SBRMS Implementation; (ii) assess systems implementation; (iii) recommend improvements; and (iv) assess prioritization and quality of repair and maintenance work.
5. The Physical Facilities Division-OPS shall prepare a Maintenance Manual and train PFCs of the Region and Division Offices as monthly inspectors and trainors. The Manual shall guide the school officials and staff on the technical and administrative aspects of SBRMS.
C. Financial Procedures
1. The Regional Offices shall release the funds for "Repair and Maintenance of School Building" to the Division Offices.
2. The Principal/School Head shall be responsible for determining needs and managing repair and maintenance work in the school. The Principal/School Head shall list the repair and maintenance work according to priority in SBRMS Form 1 (Column 1) with cost estimates (Column 2).
3. The Principal shall receive the repair and maintenance funds for approved works as SBRMS funds to be disbursed and liquidated following government accounting and auditing rules and regulations. Immediately, upon completion of the approved repair and maintenance works, the Principal shall accomplish Column 2-11 of Form 2 and shall return the accomplished forms together with all supporting receipts to the Division Office.
4. The Division Offices shall release the repair and maintenance funds received from their respective Regional Offices to the Heads of School.
5. The Division Accountants shall consolidate Form 2 and prepare Form 1 (SOE) on a monthly basis for submission to the DepEd Central Office on or before the end of each month. The DepEd-RO shall consolidate the SOEs submitted by the Division Office every month for submission to the DepEd Central Office. The DepEd-RO shall ensure that funds are fully liquidated and all SOEs submitted to the DepEd Central Office on or before November 30 of each year.
6. An external auditing team shall conduct unannounced spot review any time of the year. All accounting records and bank reconciliation statements should be ready during the review.
D. Procurement Procedures
The funds allocated for "Repair and Maintenance of School Building" shall be used only for minor repair and maintenance work as defined in this Guidelines for SBRMS. In no case shall the cost of the work exceed P100,000. The mode of procurement shall be through Community Participation or through National Shopping (Canvass)
1. Community Participation - In case the project is implemented by administration and in the interest of project sustainability and to achieve certain specific social objectives of the project, any of the options may be adopted: (1) call for the participation of local communities and/or non-governmental organizations (NGOs), or (2) increase the utilization of local know-how and materials; or (3) employ labor-intensive and other appropriate technologies.
2. National Shopping (Canvass) - Shopping is a procurement method based on comparing price quotation obtained from several. Suppliers, usually at least three, to assure competitive prices, and is an appropriate method for procuring readily available off-the-shelf goods or standard specification commodities that are small in value. Requests for quotations shall indicate the description and quantity of the goods, as well as desired delivery time and place. Quotations may be submitted by telex or facsimile. The evaluation of quotations shall follow sound public or private sector practices of the purchases. The terms of the accepted offer shall be incorporated in a purchase order. (For Works not exceeding P100,000.00)
The School-Based Repair and Maintenance Scheme (SBRMS) shall be followed for all disbursements out of the allotment for Repair and Maintenance of School Buildings starting with the 2002 Budget.