[ ATO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 09-95, August 10, 1995 ]



Effective immediately, in the interest of aviation safety, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 32. Pars. 6 and 9 of Republic Act 776, An Aircraft or Class I products are eligible to be imported into the Republic of the Philippines if an Aircraft Type Certificate and Noise Type Certificate have been Revalidated by this Office. Likewise Class II and III products must also comply with the applicable civil air regulations established or adopted by the Air Transportation Office.

How to Obtain a Philippine Revalidated Aircraft Type Certificate and Noise Type Certificate

2.1 Applicant - The applicant for a Philippine Revalidated Aircraft Type Certificate and Noise Type Certificate must be the manufacturer or, where applicable the Type Certificate Holder.

In some special cases it may be possible to accept an application for an Aircraft Type Certificate and Noise Type Certificate Revalidation from a person or aircraft owner/operator who is not the manufacturer or type certificate holder, provided the applicant furnishes proof that he has been duly authorized by the manufacturer or the type certificate holder and is capable to assume complete responsibility for the Class I product of continuing airworthiness in compliance to ATO airworthiness standards and ICAO Annex 8.

2.2 Competent Authority and Procedure -

2.2.1 The application for the Revalidation of Aircraft Type Certificate and Noise Type Certificate and any documents the Air Transportation Office may require as provided in par. 2.4 shall be forwarded to:

Chief, Aviation Safety Division
Air Transportation Office
NAIA, 1300 Pasay City, M.M.
Tel. No. : (DL) 833-33-62
  (TL) 832-19-61 loc. 3252/3253
Fax No. : 891-64-03
  Thru: Chief, Aircraft Engineering Section

2.2.2 The Aircraft Engineering Section, Aviation Safety Division will acknowledge receipt of the application and establish the procedure, including:

  1. definition of the certification basis (see para. 2.3);

  2. details on information and data required in addition to the documents listed under para. 2.4;

  3. date and place of the ATO Aeronautical Engineer visit to the appropriate Civil Aviation Authorities and the manufacturer's facilities;

  4. date and place of the certification test flight to be participated and monitored by an ATO Aeronautical Engineer.

2.3 Certification Basis

2.3.1 The basis of the ATO Revalidation of Aircraft Type Certificate and Noise Type Certificate will be the applicable civil air regulations requirements established or adopted by the government of the Republic of the Philippines. The Assistant Secretary (ASSEC) may grant exemptions, if the level of safety is not impaired.

2.4 Required Documents

2.4.1 For the issuance of a Revalidated Type Certificate and Noise Type Certificate for a first of a model aircraft or class I product, the following must be submitted:

  1. Authenticated Type Certificate;

  2. Authenticated Type Certificate Data Sheet;

  3. Authenticated Supplemental Type Certificate if applicable;

  4. General description of aircraft including its design philosophy and three view drawings;

  5. Manufacturer's compliance checklist on aircraft, engine, and or propeller based on the selected applicable requirements;

  6. Master Minimum Equipment List;

  7. Weight and Balance Program;

  8. Production test flight report;

  9. Compliance report to any applicable airworthiness directive and service bulletin;

  10. Service Publications;

  11. Manuals:

  1. Flight Manual

  2. Owner's Pilot Manual

  3. Aircraft Maintenance Manual

  4. Structural Repair Manual

  5. Aircraft Weight and Balance Manual

  6. Wiring Diagram

  7. Illustrated Parts Catalog

  8. Assembly and rigging instruction if aircraft is to be assembled in the Philippines.

2.5 Privileges - the holder of a revalidated aircraft type certificate and noise type certificate for class I product may:

  1. be eligible for importation into the Republic of the Philippines;

  2. obtain Philippine airworthiness certificate and aircraft registration, if desired.

2.6 Duration - A revalidated aircraft type certificate and noise type certificate is effective unless sooner surrendered, suspended, revoked, or otherwise terminated by order of the ASSEC.

How to Obtain an ATO Product Approval for Class II and III:

3.1 Applicant - The applicant for ATO of Class II and III products must be the manufacturer or his duly authorized representative.

3.2 Competent Authority and Procedure -

3.2.1 The application for ATO Approval for Class II and III product shall be made thru letter address to, see para. 2.2.1.

3.2.2. The Aircraft Engineering Section (AS-5), Aviation Safety Division will acknowledge receipt of the application and inform the applicant of any additional requirements found necessary to ensure an acceptable level of safety. Further, the AS-5 will advise the date and place of a technical visit by an ATO Aeronautical Engineer to the manufacturing facilities.

3.2.3 Prior to installation, any approved Class II and III product must be inspected by an ATO Aeronautical Engineer.

3.3 Required Documents - The following documentation must be submitted:

  1. Parts Manufacturer Approval or Technical Standard Order whichever is applicable;

  2. Test reports showing that product design meet the applicable airworthiness requirements;

  3. If the product was manufactured other than the designer, a proof of agreement must be presented;

  4. Technical drawings and applicable instructions.

3.4 Duration - The ATO Product Approval for Class II and III is effective unless surrendered, suspended, revoked, or otherwise terminated by order of the ASSEC.

3.5 Eligibility - Only an ATO approved product for Class II and III is eligible for installation on certificated Philippine civil registered aircraft.

All orders and/or memoranda that maybe in conflict herewith are hereby rescinded.

For strict compliance and guidance.

Adopted: 10 August 1995

Assistant Secretary